I have a hard time believing Catalyst Atlanta 2018 has come to an end. It’s been a few days and I’ve had time to ponder what transpired and the words of wisdom spoken over the Infinite Energy Arena where church leaders from around the world.
Speakers such as Andy Stanley, Tyler Perry, and Craig Groeschel shared what they believe the Lord was telling them. The words spoken were life-giving and challenging. They’re also what all leaders need to study.
Below, you will find a recap of the talks from the Catalyst Atlanta 2018 speakers.
Catalyst Atlanta 2018 Recap
Andy Stanley
With his newest book, Irresistible, Andy Stanley may have been the most controversial speaker at Catalyst this year. Even with the controversy, Andy Stanley delivered a powerful message about leading and the imposter syndrome.
The most impactful quotes from Andy Stanley this year were:
The imposter always wants something from those they lead.
Insecurity will eventually lead you to dishonesty.
Lying to yourself puts insecurity in the driver’s seat.
Craig Groeschel
I’m never disappointed when I hear Craig Groeschel. His teaching is very Biblical but also practical for those who are not in the church. He also released a new book this year called Hope In The Dark that was given away at the Influencer Meetup At Catalyst by the event’s sponsor Zondervan.
This year, Craig Groeschel spoke to the heart of leaders. He wanted them to know who they are and what God thinks of them. He did a great job doing this.
The most impactful quotes from Craig Groeschel were:
The fastest way to kill something special is to compare it to something else.
Comparing makes you feel either superior or inferior. Neither one honors God.
Comparing makes you feel either superior or inferior. Neither one honors God.
You cannot succeed your way to a sense of self-security.
John Mark Comer
John Mark Comer is a new name to me. He is a pastor from Portland, Oregon with a message to deliver. He’s also a speaker I won’t soon forget.
The most impactful quotes from John Mark Comer were:
If you want to experience the life of Jesus, you have to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus.
Maturity is measured by your whole person, not only your spiritual life.
Hurry is incompatible with the life Jesus has on offer
People in a hurry have no time for love.
Dr. Henry Cloud
Dr. Henry Cloud is a best-selling author with a catalog of over 45 books! The man can write. And he knows how to deliver a message.
The most impactful quotes from Dr. Henry Cloud were:
We don’t always plan for bad stuff but bad stuff comes.
We forget we are not the source of our love.
There were significant relationships we should have been spending time with but we couldn’t because we were spending time with these weirdos.
Jon Acuff
Jon Acuff is a funny man. He started out his time on the internet with a satire site called Stuff Christians Life. From there, he’s gone on to become a well-known speaker that cracks jokes along the way.
The most impactful quotes from Jon Acuff were:
When it comes to the things you care about, you have to choose what to bomb.
If you can’t stop, simplify.
Why does joining a community matter? It matters because it impacts whether you can be fully alive.
Leaders who can’t be questioned end up doing questionable things.
Chip Heath
Chip Heath is a Stanford professor. He is also the co-author of multiple books. His latest book, The Power Of Moments, shares how moments and experiences shape our lives.
The most impactful quotes from Chip Heath were:
Strong emotional events persist in memories.
When was the time you felt like you really belonged here?
Why don’t we celebrate our kids like they do these athletes?
Peak moments matter.
Lisa Bevere
Lisa Bevere was a surprise favorite speaker of mine at Catalyst. She delivered truth with love. And it’s what we needed.
The most impactful quotes from Lisa Bevere were:
Knowing WHEN you are is often more important than knowing WHERE you are.
You’ve got to know WHO you are.
You cannot look at what everyone else has already done.
You are an answer walking around looking for a problem to solve.
Wilfredo Choco De Jesus
Wilfredo Choco De Jesus was another speaker I’d never heard of. However, Pastor Choco did not disappoint. He is the pastor of New Life Covenant in Chicago, Illinois.
The most impactful quotes from Wilfredo Choco De Jesus were:
When God marks you, there is no demon in hell that can remove His hand from your life.
God is going to see that the word He gave you will come to pass. There is nothing that can separate you. (This is something I need to hold onto)
Understanding can wait. Obedience cannot.
With revelation comes responsibility.
Catalyst Atlanta 2018 contained even more speakers and sessions than this but I wasn’t able to capture the full experience. I hope the live blogs and this recap help you to lead better and bring your faith into the world with a renewed vigor.
If it has, or you believe it will, share what was the most impactful quote from Catalyst Atlanta was for you in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.