3 Ways To Be Generous

Do you want your people to take notice of you as a leader? Nothing goes further or speaks more to your people than how generous you are toward them.

People think about financial generosity when they hear the word. Yet, generosity goes far beyond giving of your financial resources.

Nothing exhilarates a team more than seeing their leader be a giving leader.

3 Ways To Be Generous

You may be wondering how you can be a generous leader without giving of your finances. I know not every leader or organization can afford to increase the pay of their employees. If that’s you, this post is for you. 

You can be generous in the following ways:

Become a mentor:

You’ve either started your own business, run a business, or lead people. The skills you’ve picked up along the way have served you and others well.

Why You Should Encourage Your Team

In his book The Maxwell Daily Reader, John Maxwell argues that leaders should encourage their people. He starts by stating that many leaders expect people to encourage themselves. 

We shouldn’t expect this from the people we lead. Rather, people require a little outside assistance to be encouraged. 

Here’s where you can step in and help your people. You can be the cheerleader, the rah-rah person, or the encourager. 

But why should you encourage them? What do you get out of it? 

Good questions…

Why You Should Encourage Your Team

Maxwell continues in his writing as he shares the why behind encouragement. Maxwell states:

5 Tips To Be More Intentional

You’ve seen the leaders who are distracted by every shiny object. They chase after anything and everything that catches their eye.

These leaders are willing to drop everything to see if the new thing will bring them the success they desire. Yet, each time, they get further and further away from what they long for. They also push away from their team members who are looking for a leader with intentionality.

Maybe this leader is even you…

People who are considered great leaders know they must be intentional about their actions. They must have a plan, follow through, and get things done. 

Sure, there’s time to chase squirrels and shiny objects, but great leaders are, for the most part, intentional about what they do. 

If you want to be more intentional with your actions, keep reading.

What’s Your Dream?

My wife and I recently attended an event held by the Muskegon Area Rental Association (MARA). Ratan Khatri was speaking at the event. We’d connected on Facebook, and when I saw this opportunity, I asked my wife to go. We had been interested in investing in real estate, and we saw this as the perfect opportunity to dip our feet into the waters.

At the MARA event, we heard from a long-time real estate investor. He’s invested in multiple real estate deals and knew his stuff. His presentation was geared toward the beginner investor, which was the perfect event for us!

But one thing stood out to me. A question Ratan asked:

What’s your dream for your real estate investments? 

What’s Your Dream?

Ratan’s question got me thinking… I need to ask this question in all areas of my life. What’s my dream for:

4 Ways To Lead Up

There are very few of us who are at the top of an organization. We all find ourselves in various positions of authority. There are people below us. Then, there are people above us.

There’s a desire to continue our upward advancement. We want to show the leaders above us that we have what it takes to sit alongside them.

We want to be able to lead up.

The question becomes: how do we lead those who are leading us? It’s the struggle we all have throughout our careers.

I want to let you know there’s good news. We can lead up and not just down. We can impact our leaders as we impact those we lead.

What does that take?