It Is Well Leadership

As leaders, we have so much pressure placed on us. We’re required to increase profits, maintain staff, and keep things chugging along at a healthy rate.

But what happens if we don’t? What happens to the way we think, feel, or even act?

I recently heard pastor Peter Reeves speak to a group of students at Michigan Youth Convention about his ministry. He said something that shocked those in attendance. They weren’t expecting him to say it. Yet, it’s something that resonated with me. His words also spoke to the students. They understood what he was saying. 

What did Peter Reeves say?

Whether his ministry grows or doesn’t, it is well.

Why You Must Do What You Don’t Want To Do

There are a lot of fun, exciting things in our lives. It could be the next ice climbing trip you’re going to take, or it may be binge-watching your favorite movie series. We love doing what we want to do.


What happens when there are things we need to do that we don’t want to do? Many of us put those needed or essential tasks on the back burner while we enjoy ourselves. 

We see it when it comes to saving money, planning for the future, and speaking to our teams. These tasks don’t happen by accident. They happen because we’re intentional. 

And they need to be done. But why must you do those things you don’t want to do?

Good question!

Is It A Snapshot Or Video?

Have you ever stopped to consider the difference between a snapshot or photo of a moment and capturing a video of a moment? When you stop to think about it, the differences are vast. 

But, more than anything, I think you should consider the implications of that snapshot moment. 

Three polaroid photos of the beach

Photo by Ivan Shimko on Unsplash

Is It A Snapshot Or Video?

With a snapshot, a moment of time is captured in a single frame. You can see what appears to be a smiling person, laughing, looking joyous. Maybe the snapshot shows a scowling person who’s frustrated. Or… there could be a snapshot showing someone ambivalent about what is happening around them. They look like they just don’t care.

But what’s really happening at the moment the photo was taken? Is the person really happy? Are they upset? Do they not care?

Relocating For Work? Essential Moving Tips For A Seamless Transition

Moving truck driving down a road

Photo by JavyGo on Unsplash

Relocating for work offers an exciting opportunity to embrace new environments, expand professional horizons, and take on fresh challenges. Yet, the logistics of moving can be daunting, especially when juggling a career shift. A well-structured plan ensures a smoother process, minimizing disruptions and helping you settle into your new routine with ease.

Plan Ahead and Stay Organized

Creating a timeline is critical when relocating for work. Start by listing essential tasks such as hiring movers, securing housing, and transferring utilities. Research moving companies and obtain estimates to ensure your belongings are handled professionally. Additionally, declutter your possessions before packing—letting go of unnecessary items reduces costs and creates a cleaner slate for your new home.