More Important Than Business

While business and results are important, they’re not the most important things in life. Maybe even in business.

Back in 2012, singer Fiona Apple realized this. She was booked for 12 dates in South America, but Apple postponed those tour dates because of something extremely important to her.

What was more important than touring? More important than pleasing customers? More important than making money?

Her ailing 13-year-old pitbull Janet.

Apple had rescued the pup 10 years prior in Echo Park, Los Angeles. She took in the dog, and the two quickly became best friends. Over the years, they had their good days, and then, in 2010, Janet began to show signs of a tumor. 

As Apple saw the health of her constant companion wane, she gave up what many people think is all-important: Business, customers, and making money.

How To Do The Right Thing

No one wants to do the wrong thing. Everyone wants to do the right, ethical thing. But sometimes, that gets tricky. 

We’re thrust into situations where speed is of the essence. Or we’re tired, crabby, and just want to be done. Or we don’t have the finances to do things right.

Then, the temptation comes. It tells us that cutting corners on this one job will be okay. We can adjust the books slightly until next month when things look better.

We don’t want to admit how easily we can slip into the temptation to do the wrong thing.


How do you keep on the moral and ethical track? How do you ensure you’re doing the right thing?

Well… keep reading and you’ll discover just how to do it.

Take Control Of Your Thoughts To Live A Successful Life

The thoughts that run through our minds have a lot of control over what happens in our lives. Our thoughts are the things we focus on, think about, and eventually pursue.

A lot has been said about our thoughts and mindsets and how they are the rudder steering us in a direction. Sometimes, that direction is great. We’ve got a positive mindset. Our thoughts are positive and upbeat. We’re going in the right direction.

But I also know that many of us can struggle with the battle raging within our thoughts. We’ve battled with mental anguish, depression, hopelessness. 

This post is for those who want to take control of their thoughts. The people who want to move in a more positive direction. Let’s take a look at some of the ways we can take control of our thoughts.

How To Keep Your Mission In Mind

We spend so much time and effort to craft the perfect mission for our organization. The perfect mission statement is a brief yet broad statement about your organization’s goals. There may also be a part of your mission describing how you’re going to get there.

A lot of times, the mission of an organization overlaps with the vision. That’s because the two are intertwined. When you know your mission, you can also know your vision.

But what happens after crafting the perfect mission statement? What happens when you know precisely why you’re doing business?

The mission statement gets put on the back burner. It’s there in print but largely forgotten.

It’s time to change that. You can keep your mission in mind.

How To Keep Your Mission In Mind

We don’t want our mission to be forgotten. So, what do we do about it? We keep the mission in mind by doing the following:

5 Tips To Be More Intentional

You’ve seen the leaders who are distracted by every shiny object. They chase after anything and everything that catches their eye.

These leaders are willing to drop everything to see if the new thing will bring them the success they desire. Yet, each time, they get further and further away from what they long for. They also push away from their team members who are looking for a leader with intentionality.

Maybe this leader is even you…

People who are considered great leaders know they must be intentional about their actions. They must have a plan, follow through, and get things done. 

Sure, there’s time to chase squirrels and shiny objects, but great leaders are, for the most part, intentional about what they do. 

If you want to be more intentional with your actions, keep reading.