5 Decision-Making Strategies All Leaders Should Use

While leadership is influence, there’s more to leadership than influencing others. One of the major aspects of leadership is decision-making. You have to be willing to make decisions and stick to your choices.

Sometimes, making those decisions can be challenging. There’s so much to consider, the possibilities are endless, and your decision could change the course of your organization, life, or the people you lead.

You have to make wise decisions. 

Multiple colored bow-ties on a rack. The stress of choosing!

Photo by Tim Johnson on Unsplash

It’s a good thing you’re reading this! We’re going to share about it. In this article, you’ll discover 5 decision-making strategies that will help you make the best decisions you can.

5 Decision-Making Strategies All Leaders Should Use

1. Rational decision making:

Rational decision-making is the strategy that uses analysis, data collection, and evaluation of alternatives. It’s looking at everything happening with objectivity.

4 Ways To Unplug And Recharge

Being in the IT world, I know a thing about unplugging (or shutting down) systems and restarting them. It’s one of the first things I ask users: Have you restarted your computer? It’s a line they hate, but the step also frequently works.

Author Anne Lamont once wrote:

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.

When I read that, I think of rebooting workstations or servers. It’s a brief unplugging and coming back up. But…

Lamont recognized that we need to unplug for a period of time. It is hard to unplug in this high-tech world of always on, always connected. 

Yet unplugging is vital to our health and relationships. We must be willing to disconnect from the world before we crash, burn out, or destroy our physical or mental health.

5 Tips For Leading Effective Meetings

What do you think of when you think of a business meeting? Is it a time to be productive? Or is it a time and money waster? 

There are valid arguments for both ideas. 

Men and women sitting around a table. They are at a work meeting. Laptops are open on the table.

Photo by Mapbox on Unsplash

Meetings get people together. They can brainstorm, hash out ideas, and come together as a group. It’s powerful when you have multiple people in a room together to work through a pressing matter.

Then there’s the flip side. Meetings waste money. Think about how many people are involved in your meetings. How many are there? If there are five people in your meeting, each person gets paid an average of $30 an hour, and the meeting lasts an hour, that is $150 for the meeting. Now, the meeting recurs every week – $7,800 a year for a meeting. What if the meeting group was larger? The cost of the meeting goes up even more.