20 Quotes On Innovation And Leadership

It’s the new year and the new year always brings about the thoughts of advancement, growth, and innovation. Plenty has been said about these things.

In this post, I want to bring you 20 quotes on innovation and leadership in hopes of inspiring you to a great new year.

20 Quotes On Innovation And Leadership

1. Tom Freston (Co-Founder of MTV):

Innovation is taking two things that exist and putting them together in a new way.

2. William Blake:

What is now proved was once only imagined.

3. Roger von Oech

It’s easy to come up with new ideas; the hard part is letting go of what worked for you two years ago but will soon be out of date.

4. Seth Godin:

No organization ever created an innovation. People innovate, not companies.

Finding Purpose And Meaning In Leadership

As a Christian leader, I believe everyone has a purpose and meaning for their lives. Everyone was created for something special in this world. In Ephesians 2:10, the Bible tells us that we are Christ’s workmanship. We are created in Christ Jesus for good works (purpose). 

You and I… We were not created by accident. We were created for something.

While I believe this purpose and meaning comes from the lives we live, we can find purpose and meaning in the things that we do. Including the organizations and people we lead. There’s a purpose and meaning behind this!

Finding Purpose And Meaning In Leadership

It’s funny that I’m writing this article when I am. The morning I was writing this, I began to take a look back on my leadership and writing journey. I began to think of the people I started this journey with.

4 Ways To Balance Leadership Roles And Personal Identity

When I started to blog, I found myself losing myself. I wanted so badly to be successful that I gave up a lot of my identity. I stopped watching television and movies, I changed the way I dressed, and I even left behind hobbies I enjoyed.

What happened here?

I lost my personal identity. I let my role as a leadership blogger supersede my personal identity. And it sucked.

Woman sitting in front of an Apple MacBook laptop

Photo by Mapbox on Unsplash

While I saw success blogging and sharing my leadership insights, I felt adrift. I felt like I was missing something. I was. I was missing myself.

Talking to other leaders, this happens often. New leaders have their own unique style that gets pushed to the background so they can fit in with the current slate of leaders. The same leaders that come and go.

Here’s the crazy part. One thing remains the same: YOU

The Power Of Active Listening In Leadership

There’s an age-old saying that people don’t care what you know until they know how much you care. This quote has been attributed to Theodore Roosevelt. Regardless of whether or not Roosevelt actually said this or not, it’s an important aspect of leadership.

Your people want to know you care. One of the ways you can show this is through listening… active listening. 

Carl Rogers and Richard Farson introduced the idea of active listening in 1957. According to Duke University, active listening is listening with the intent to really understand how the person is feeling and be able to put yourself in their shoes to empathize with them

That’s a lot to take in. 

To be a great active listener, you have to:

  • Listen
  • Have intent
  • Be willing to understand the other person
  • Put yourself in their shoes

5 Leadership And Personal Development Books To Read In January 2024

As the calendar turns to a new year, many people are looking for ways to improve their family life, personal life, and career. New Year Resolutions are made (approximately 80% of those are broken by February).

I know you, though. You’re not the normal New Year’s Resolution maker. You know how to make a commitment and stick with it. You want to grow, improve, and become more than what you were.

Today, I’m bringing you five of the best books on leadership and personal development. Because of that, some of these books are not new. They’re 20, 30, or even more years old. These books contain wisdom that has been passed down through the ages and has helped millions of people to improve their lives.

Are you ready? I hope so!