5 Leadership Books To Read In July 2024

The more we read, the more we can understand others and the trials they’ve gone through. It’s an amazing thing people are willing to share their experiences with us so we can grow more quickly than they did.

It’s one of the reasons I love reading or listening to books. It propels my growth.

This month, we’re going to look at another round of books to help you grow mentally, spiritually, and in your leadership.

Stacks of books

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

5 Leadership Books To Read In July 2024

1. Trekonomics: The Economics of Star Trek by Manu Saadia:

Manu Saadia did an excellent job of examining the economics of the Star Trek universe. I was enthralled while listening to the book and discovering more about Star Trek than I ever wanted to know.

Saadia digs into questions such as:

  • What does a scarce-less society look like

5 Leadership Books To Read In June 2024

Books are a great resource for learning and developing leadership skills. That’s one reason I create recommended leadership book lists. 

These lists are here to introduce you to new ideas, authors, and books to help you become a better leader.

It’s hard to argue that a good book can be as helpful as attending a seminar, chatting with another leader, or listening to audio content. The books on this month’s list will be an encouragement to you and help you grow professionally and personally.

Woman reading a book. The book is open with text on the pages.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

5 Leadership Books To Read In June 2024

1. Getting Out of Saigon: How a 27-Year-Old Banker Saved 113 Vietnamese Civilians by Ralph White:

I picked up Getting Out of Saigon because it was a discounted book through Audible. The story of Ralph White and his actions in Vietnam as the North Vietnamese took over Saigon was riveting.

5 Leadership Books To Read In May 2024

Margaret Fuller once said:

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.

Mary Ann Shaffer said:

That’s what I love about reading: one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and that tiny thing will lead you to another book, and another bit there will lead you onto a third book. It’s geometrically progressive–all with no end in sight, and for no other reason than sheer enjoyment.

Both of these people have one thing in common: They know the power a book has to change your life. 

Every book you pick up will open a door into the world of someone who has been there and done that. Their experiences are there for you to learn and grow from. So, what’s stopping you from picking up a great book?

5 Leadership Books To Read In April 2024

We’re almost to April 2024. How did we get here that quickly? We’ve already sprung forward, gotten through most of the winter, and are trying to figure out where a quarter of the year has gone.

With April just around the corner, it’s time to share with you some of the great books I recommend. This month will be a little eclectic; you may even wonder why some of the books are recommended. Yet, they’re all a blast to read and will help you better understand leadership and your people.

Bookshelf containing multiple books

Photo by Paul Melki on Unsplash

5 Leadership Books To Read In April 2024

1. The Ability To Endure by Michael Chitwood:

Michael Chitwood is the founder of Team World Vision. This organization is near and dear to my heart because of its mission to bring clean water to those who lack access to it.

5 Leadership Books To Read In March 2024

One of the ways I consume books is through audiobooks. I toss on a pair of Shokz headphones, lace up my shoes, and I’m out the door with Lok. I’m also out the door with a lot of inspiring, growth material.

Finding the time to read can be difficult. It’s the main reason I love audiobooks and the opportunity

it offers me to read while doing other activities. I’m able to exercise my body and mind.

As always, I’m on the lookout for great books. For myself and for you guys out there reading this. This month is no different. Keep reading to find 5 great leadership books you should check out in March.