Dont’ Forget To Fill Both Gas Tanks

Gas tanks are wonderful things. They hold the fuel we need to drive our cars to the places we need to be.

Your car probably has one gas tank. Did you know that you have two gas tanks you have to watch the gas gauge for?

It’s true. In a recent interview Nick Vujicic mentioned this principle.

I really liked this idea and wanted to share it with you. It’s an area leaders really need to be cognizant of.

Your First Gas Tank

The first tank you need to be aware of is one you use to feed your followers.

This one is used to give of ourselves to those that we serve. We’re pouring our time and energy into giving them the information and leadership they deserve.

It’s spending time one on one with individual team members. Encouraging them. Mentoring and giving growth.

Leadership Insights: Interview With John G. Miller of QBQ!


Welcome to another edition of Leadership Insights where I share interviews I have done with other leaders.

Recently, I interviewed John G. Miller, the founder of QBQ! Inc, author of the book QBQ! The Question Behind The Question: Practicing Personal Accountability At Work And In Life (This is an affiliate link. If you click on it and purchase an item, I get a small commission), and professional speaker. If you couldn’t tell by the title of his book, John preaches and lives personal responsibility.

John took valuable time out of his day to answer my questions and the questions of a few readers. Reading through his answers, I was excited to share his insights with you. I hope you’ll enjoy reading the interview as much as I had conducting it.

Q1: Your book, QBQ! The Question Behind The Question, is all about personal accountability. How does the concept of personal accountability relate to the role of a leader?

10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery

Many people in America believe slavery has been abolished and is no longer happening. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Watch the video below to learn 10 facts about the modern day slave.

Top 10 Facts About The “S” Word from Free the Slaves

Facts from the video:

10. Slaves are forced to work without pay, under the threat of violence, and unable to walk away.

9. There are 27 million slaves in the world today.

8. Slavery is not legal anywhere but it happens everywhere

7. The majority of slaves can be found in Africa and Asia

6. At least 14,500 slaves are trafficking into the United States each year.

5. Slaves work in fields, brothels, homes, and practically any other place you can imagine.

4. Human trafficking is the modern day slave trade.

Top Posts And Commenters For February 2013

We can now rip February 2013 out of our calendars. We’re another month into the year and that means it’s time for the monthly rundown.

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Top 10 Posts

  1. The 20 Mile March (Originally posted 1-4-12)
  2. Sometimes The Grass Really Is Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence (Originally posted 5-14-12)
  3. 15 Encouragements For Young Leaders 2-6-13)
  4. How To Have Peace To Persevere Through The Pain (A guest author) (Originally posted 2-8-13)
  5. I’ve Never Done This Before (Originally posted 2-4-13)
  6. How To Live A More Meaningful Life (Originally posted 2-13-13)
  7. An Easy Way To Implement Change In Your Organization (Originally posted 2-18-13)
  8. 5 Characteristics Of Real Discipleship (A guest author) (Originally posted 5-25-12)
  9. Create A Decided Heart (Originally posted 2-25-13)
  10. What Can Twenty Seconds Of Insane Courage Do For You? (Originally posted 3-16-12)