Move To The Next Level Of Leadership

Are you ready to move to the next level of leadership? Obtain that next level of responsibility or to guide more people?

You might not like what it’ll take to get there. To step up to the next level of leadership.

Marshall Lawrence playing Les Paul guitar

Image by Hugh Lee

This journey won’t be easy. It definitely won’t be comfortable. However, it’s necessary. It’s worth it. And you’ll see growth.

The Comfort Zone

We all have comfort zones. Areas where we are competent and confident. Our skills can be displayed but they’re not really tested.

I remember trying to learn to play the electric guitar. There were weeks of lessons. Some practice. Lots of frustration.

Over time, I began to fall back on the song Glycerin by Bush. It was the first song I’d learned. The chords were simple. The melody easy to remember.

Glycerin became my comfort zone when playing the guitar.

Book Review: Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking

My wife and I tend to be on the total opposite ends of the introvert/extrovert spectrum. She’s quiet and has trouble around crowds. Me, I like to be in the midst of large groups, mingling with others.

So I was excited when I saw the book Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking (Affiliate link, I get paid a small commission if you click this link and purchase the book) by Susan Cain. My hope was it could shine some light on the differences between introverts and extroverts and how being an introvert could be a good trait to have.

Quiet The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking

What Is Quiet?

How did we go from Character to Personality without realizing we had sacrificed something meaningful along the way?
— Susan Cain

Create An Environment Of Growth

One of the saddest things is a person who no longer pursues learning once they’ve graduated. Learning is put on the back burner and it’s all about enjoyment from here on out.

The statistics are shocking and sickening.

Rainbow of Books.

Image by John Remy

After Graduation Learning Statistics

Here are some statistics regarding learning and reading after graduation:

  • 42% never pick up a book after college graduation
  • 80% of US families did not purchase a book in the last year
  • Your chance of income decreases drastically when you stop your continuing education

I know you’re not a statistic when it comes to learning. You’re eager to gain more knowledge and implement what you’re learning.

While you’re doing what you can to advance your skills and abilities, your team may not have the same learning mindset.

How Bad Habits Enter Into Your Life

I’ve found myself wondering how I’ve picked up bad habits. From too much TV time to wasting time on Facebook to ignoring my wife. Bad habits creep into my life. And I’m sure they do yours as well.

When we recognize the bad habit, we often wonder how we let the bad habit into our life.

The Trinity Root at September 11 Memorial

Image by Tony Fischer

The Problem

Bad habits are something we don’t want to pick up. They’ll drag us down, holding us back from our potential.

And yet we let bad habits take hold in our lives. Most of the time we don’t even realize the habits are forming.

Why? Why does this happen?

We let bad habits take root because they slowly work their way into our lives. A recent sewer problem made this clear.

Your Work Matters

There are days when we’ll feel down and out about the work we’re doing. Maybe it’s feeling you’re ineffective. Your influence isn’t growing. Or no one is listening.

I know there’s days I feel like this. To be honest, it can feel like a losing battle. But I have a great message for you today.

Your work matters.

Spalsh of water

Image by Flavio

Really, it does. More than you’ll ever realize.

Through your leadership and work, you’re touching people others will never be able to reach. I can’t touch everyone. Neither can you.

Yet you can reach the people around you. And that matters.

Work That Mattered To Me

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Jeff Jones, the former drummer of Big Daddy Weave. He was able to share some of the great things he’s moving onto. To be honest, I’m excited for him and encourage you to check out what he’s doing.