4 Actions You Can Take To Become A Better Leader

No leader will ever be perfect. There’s always room for improvement.

And any wise leader will tell you they’re always looking for ways to improve.

Be a better leader

Image via JD Hancock

Those same wise leaders will also tell you there are actions they take on a daily basis that makes them lead better.

They nice thing about these actions, they’re simple things you can do. You just have to implement them.

4 Actions To Lead Better

  1. Listen: Great leaders know there is power in listening to others. Shutting your mouth and opening your ears can pay great dividends.

    When you listen, you’ll hear your team tell you what’s not working in the organization or areas that can be improved. When you listen to your customers, you’ll hear new product ideas and pain points you can attend to.

    Listening opens up new possibilities to your leadership. Open your ears and hear the difference.

Looking Back To Move Forward

There are many things in life I wish I could do over. But I can’t.

The past is the past and there’s no changing it.

Your past is a powerful learning tool

Image By Jason Powell

People will go so far as to say that we shouldn’t reflect on the past. It’s done and over with.

No use crying over spilled milk. Or so the saying goes.

The Wrong Attitude

From my experience, this is the wrong attitude to carry in life. Moving on from the past and never analyzing the past is a disaster waiting to happen.

There’s another saying:

Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

My belief is this quote on the past is a better mantra to carry on in life.

Get rid of the wrong attitude on the past. Take a new view on the past.

What’s Working For Me In The Blogging World

One of the big takeaways I got from my recent reader survey was the desire to learn more about blogging and what creates a successful blog. Because of that, I want to share what’s working in blogging.

I want to be of help to you as you build your platform. As you grow your audience. As you take your leadership presence to the next level.

Great blog tips

Image by Sean MacEntee

So, what’s working for me and my blog? There’s 4 things I’ve really been focusing on. If they’re working for me, I think they’ll work for you as well.

1. Creating a gift for email subscribers: It took me awhile but I released my first eBook in October of 2013. Since that time, my email list has grown at an accelerated rate. In the 6 months since the release of my eBook, I’ve seen my email list double in size.

Go For The Epic Fail

When’s the last time you failed big? Like epic fail?

You probably can’t remember the last time. Most likely because we tend to minimize our risk of failure. Especially big failures.

We feel big epic fails aren’t pretty. Epic fails are nasty, dirty things. But are they really?

In his book Untitled: Thoughts On The Creative Process (Great book, btw), Blaine Hogan shares this story-

I know all too well the painful reality of standing in front of something I’ve made, only to feel the sobering sting of awareness that comes from realizing the “thing” didn’t live up to the pitch.

This failure can be seen as an epic fail. We pitch, we promote, we hype. Only to see what we imagined fall flat on it’s face.

Epic. Failure. It’s all there.

And then Blaine goes on to ask this question-

4 Ways To Increase Your Happiness

So many people are struggling with sadness and depression. They’re searching for something that will make them happy.

All they want is to be rid of the feelings of depression and despair.

Truthfully, leaders can deal with the same feelings. And for the same reasons.

Today, I want to share 4 ways you can increase your happiness.

While there are many happy people in the world today, there’s a portion of the population that find happiness to be elusive.

They struggle to find that place of joy. They want the pain to go away.

Finding happiness isn’t always easy. And it’s not always possible. But there are steps you can take to increase your happiness.

1. Get away from work: We’ve become a nation of workaholics. Never leaving the stress of the job when we punch out.