One of the big takeaways I got from my recent reader survey was the desire to learn more about blogging and what creates a successful blog. Because of that, I want to share what’s working in blogging.
I want to be of help to you as you build your platform. As you grow your audience. As you take your leadership presence to the next level.
So, what’s working for me and my blog? There’s 4 things I’ve really been focusing on. If they’re working for me, I think they’ll work for you as well.
1. Creating a gift for email subscribers: It took me awhile but I released my first eBook in October of 2013. Since that time, my email list has grown at an accelerated rate. In the 6 months since the release of my eBook, I’ve seen my email list double in size.
I believe you, too, can increase your audience and reach by releasing a freebie for your email list. It doesn’t have to be anything special but it does need to contain value.
Your email list incentive could be:
A 5-minute video giving an insight your audience needs to know
A 20 page eBook collecting a series of blog posts
A PDF list helping your audience push past boundaries
A special interview with an authority in your niche
People love to receive something for free, even if it means giving away their email address. They see value and want to continue to receive more.
2. Building relationships: Regardless of what you’re doing, building relationships will open up new doors you can walk through.
The more people you know, the more likely it is you’ll be invited to new opportunities. These may include:
Being invited to speak at a conference
Being asked to teach a college level course
Being asked to launch an internet course with friends
Being asked to join a new mastermind group
And don’t be greedy with your relationships. One of the greatest ways to grow and be seen as valuable is to share your connections.
Look for the opportunity to connect those in your tribe with others who are doing great things. But be sure to ask for permission before you give away any kind of personal information.
3. Continuing to learn: Your job of learning is never finished. We should be learning something new every day. That’s why I continue to read blogs, take online courses, and push my boundaries.
I want to continue to grow!
This helps in multiple ways:
You’ll have new content to share as you continue to expand your knowledge
You’ll have the opportunity to share what you’re doing with those you’re learning with
You’ll keep your mind sharp
Never stop learning. It’s key to having fresh content to give to your audience. They’ll love you for presenting new information!
4. Taking on new opportunities: Because of my blog platform, I’ve been approached by others looking for me to join them in their ventures. This has helped increase exposure to the blog.
When someone approaches you about the possibility of joining forces, give it great thought. Be more willing to say yes than no.
Forming these partnerships can be the greatest boost your blog will see.
There you have it. This is what’s been helping my blog grow.
These are easy to implement tactics that anyone can introduce into their blogging arsenal.
Remember, be generous, make friends, never stop learning, and find new ventures to join. When you do, you’ll become unstoppable!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.