8 Things Every Leader Must Know

Heading into leadership, you’re starry eyed and hopeful. You have great ambition. And you know you’re going to get things done.

Then reality hits. Leadership is hard. Harder than you expected at least.

When you entered leadership, you didn’t know everything. You still don’t.

But there are some key things every leader must know.

Do you know these things leaders must know?

I love leadership. It’s a lot of fun with a huge portion of challenge tossed in.

You’re interacting with others. You’re helping people become the best version of they can be. And you’re changing the world.

Then reality hits. There’s the leadership obstacles no one told you about. Then you become discouraged.

Today, I want to share with you the things I’ve come to realize every leader must know.

8 Things Every Leader Must Know

1. Leadership isn’t about you:

Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way. We’re often led to believe that leadership is about the leader.

4 Quick Ways To Enhance Your Leadership Skills

Every leader should constantly be looking to enhance their leadership skills. Without growth, you’re dead in the leadership game.

That’s why you must continue to learn and expand your skills.

Level up your leadership skills

We can quickly enhance our leadership skills by doing the following 4 things:

4 Quick Ways To Enhance Your Leadership Skills

  1. Begin leading right nowWant to increase your leadership skills? Stop lurking in the background and begin leading today. There are multiple non-profit organizations that are looking for men and women to step up and lead. Offer your services to one of these organizations and let your time serving help increase your leadership skills.
  2. Never stop learningYou’ve got to continue learning to increase your skills.

    Plenty of books have been written about leadership. Study the greats like Michael Hyatt, Dale Carnegie, John Maxwell, and more. These men have created content that you can consume and use.

    Attend conferences and workshops. These events offer multiple opportunities to hear from the best and brightest. Go there and learn!

    If you stop learning once you’ve got your degree or title, you’re not going to lead for long.

5 Surprising Places Young Leaders Can Grow

You know you’ve got to grow as a leader or you’ll become stagnant. And you know there’s places to grow.

The problem is, you don’t know where those places are.

You can grow in unconventional places

Image by JD Hancock

I’ve got good news for you today. I’m going to share with you 5 surprising places young leaders can grow. They’re a little unconventional (or unknown if you’re not in the know).

1. Local organizations: As a leader, you probably realize there’s local organizations like the chamber of commerce that can help you grow. But there’s more organizations than just the chamber.

You might want to check out your local

Young Urban Professionals group (I knew about larger organizations but was surprised to find out there was a local organization dedicated to young professionals)

Score Organization (Previously Service Corps of Retired Executives)

Toastmasters International (Learn how to speak well and give better presentations)

You Don’t Need New

There are a lot of sparkly things out there to get our attention. From the latest productivity app to the newest course by the big name leader to the latest and greatest book on leadership, there’s always something vying for our attention.

Most of the time we give in. We grab the shiny, new object and adore it. Until we’re finished…

Study and dive deep, don't chase the new thing

Then we put it aside.

We close the book. We forget what we read. We move on.

We watch the video course. We absorb a little information. We move on.

We play with the app. We get bored. We move on.

Wash, rinse repeat.

We Like Shiny And New

The shiny objects are fun.

They promise to make us more productive or to increase our knowledge. They beckon us with their sexy covers or smooth promises.

Just What Are You Missing?

When we look at the world around us, we often see a limited view. Especially when it comes to the area we live in.

We see opportunity everywhere. You might think living in Hawaii will change your life. It might but, then again, it might not. You might think moving to Nashville will bring you success. Will it really?

There’s more to our success than where we live…

There’s an old story about a college professor talking to the incoming freshmen. The story goes:

“Suppose that by paying a modest sum you would be given a permit to go into the largest most luxurious store in the world and help yourself to everything- diamonds, watches, expensive clothing, the best of everything, with the only limit being what you could carry away in a 4-year period…