Is it me or does this year feel to be flying by for you as well? We’ve now said so-long to the first quarter of the year and we’ve got another 75% of the year left.
Have you started off the year well? I hope so, but if you haven’t, there’s still hope. You can get back in the game.
Take time to review and see what steps you need to take to continue leading well.
This is why I do the monthly review. It allows me to see month-by-month what’s happened on the blog and whether or not I need to shift what I’m doing.
With that, let’s dig into the top posts and commneters of March 2015.
Top Posts
1. 16 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Big Hero 6
2. 20 Encouraging Bible Verses For Young Leaders
3. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Unbroken
4. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Maze Runner
5. 25 Leadership Quotes From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
7. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From X-Men: Days Of Future Past
8. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery
9. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction
10. 12 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Amazing Spider-Man 2
There was a bit of a shakeup this month with the top posts. The leadership lessons from X-Men fell quite a bit and Big Hero 6 overtook all.
I also didn’t have the chance to see many movies this month and there was a lack of pop culture leadership lessons posted. I believe this will change next month with the release of Furious 7 and a couple of other movies.
Top Commenters
2. Dan Knight
3. Jon Stolpe
4. Donald Alan Kernan Jr
6. Dan Black
7. Donald Kernan Jr
8. coachTJTrent
10. Paul Sohn
A huge shout-out and thanks to those who have taken the time to think about what I’ve written and left a comment with their thoughts. It blows my mind to hear what you have to think and it inspires me to create more content geared towards your needs.
Also, as a bonus for you, the commenter, it gets your name out there and, if you’re in the top 10, a link back to your site.
Site Statistics
Sessions – Decreased 13.28%
Users – Decreased 14.04%
Pageviews – Decreased 12.66%
Pages Per Session – Increased 0.72%
Average Session Duration – Increased 4.22%
Bounce Rate – Increased 4.72%
New Sessions – Decreased 1.97%
There’s a lot of red in the statistics this month. We saw a drastic drop in traffic.
Honestly, I expected this because there was one day in February that totally rocked. It skewed the statistics and made last month a lot better than it should have.
Keep in mind, we will all have ups and downs as we blog. Some blogging months will be great. Others will seem like you’ve lost progress. Don’t give up. You can make it!
Site News
There’s some exciting happenings going on behind the scenes. I’ve been approached with the opportunity to lead a college class. Exciting, huh?
Other things are happening as well. Those have to stay behind closed doors for now but I’ll reveal those to you as soon as I can.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.