Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Ratchet & Clank

A Reel Leadership Flashback Article

The Ratchet & Clank movie brought the Sony PlayStation game to the big screen. With big name actors Paul Giamatti, John Goodman, Bella Thorne, Rosario Dawson, and Sylvester Stallone voicing the classic video game characters, Ratchet & Clank had the talent to make a blockbuster movie. Unfortunately, Ratchet & Clank received less than glowing reviews.

The leadership lessons found in the Ratchet & Clank movie

With the negativity surrounding the 2016 Ratchet & Clank movie, I held off watching it. That was, until this past weekend.

The movie theater wasn’t showing anything that caught my attention. So, it was off to Netflix. That’s when I saw Ratchet & Clank was on the movie streaming service. And figured it was my chance to watch the video-game movie.

So, are there leadership lessons in Ratchet & Clank? Yes, there are plenty. Keep reading to read the leadership lessons I found in Ratchet & Clank. Then add yours in the comment section.

Better Days Ahead

Can I tell you the truth today? The last couple of weeks have been hard.

I had a new job opportunity fell through. My brother-in-law passed away. One of our cars was in a wreck.

Sunrise over the beach signifying better days ahead

Image by Joe Cavazos

Bad things seemed to keep piling on. One thing after the other.

Yet there was one thing I knew I could count on. Better days are ahead.

Better Days Ahead

We all go through seasons where our lives seem out of control. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Sometimes we don’t WANT to know what tomorrow will bring.

The days have been so bad. So hard. It seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

I want to encourage you today. There is hope. There are better days ahead.

Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not the next day. But keep placing one foot in front of the other.

Why I Stopped Waiting For Inspiration To Strike

There’s something romantic about being a creative. Whether it’s an artist, a musician, or a writer. Everything about the creative process, to those on the outside, seems amazing.

You get to create a masterpiece others can enjoy. You’re sharing a talent you have with the world. You’re able to express yourself. Oh, and you’re always inspired!

Oh, what a crock! I’ve got to tell you that rarely does an inspiring moment hit right when I desire it to.

Knowing this, I had to stop waiting for inspiration to strike.

There’s been stories written about inspiration and how inspiration strikes at just the right moment. I’m not sure I’ve found that to be the case.

Inspiration rarely strikes me when I want it to. I can’t call upon inspiration to bless me with the insights I want to have.

Using Music To Enrich Your Life

I’ve heard so much about enriching our lives. And how we have to do that through reading great books, attending conferences, and listening to great audio series.

It’s enough to make you give up on music and go for only the motivational materials. I know because I’ve done it in the past.

I’d given up on listening to the music that I enjoyed and replaced it with everything I was told I needed to listen to.

Making this changed helped, but there always felt like there was something missing. The missing component was the enriching effect music had on my life.

When I made the change from listening to lots of music to listening to hardly any, it was an abrupt change. The change was prompted by mentors of mine telling me that they no longer listened to music. Instead, they filled their minds with enriching audio books or conference audio.

10 Leadership Lessons Learned From My Blog Commenters

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from blogging and reading other people’s blogs, it’s that insight doesn’t come only from the author. Many times the comment section is full of wisdom and knowledge about leadership.

Image by Ian Mottoo

Image by Ian Muttoo

The community on this site is very active and it can be easy to miss some of the great content shared within the comments. Today, I want to take time and share 10 leadership lessons that commenters on the blog have shared in the comment section.

1. Self confidence is contagious to a team. Leaders must have confidence in their ability to lead (make decisions, delegate, correct, advise, teach, mentor, train, motivate, etc). Amazing things happen because of confidence. And, it’s easy to prove. Walk into a room full of people with your head up and your shoulders back. Walk in as if you are in charge and watch people sit up. It’s almost funny.
Charles Hutchinson