Better Days Ahead

Can I tell you the truth today? The last couple of weeks have been hard.

I had a new job opportunity fell through. My brother-in-law passed away. One of our cars was in a wreck.

Sunrise over the beach signifying better days ahead

Image by Joe Cavazos

Bad things seemed to keep piling on. One thing after the other.

Yet there was one thing I knew I could count on. Better days are ahead.

Better Days Ahead

We all go through seasons where our lives seem out of control. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Sometimes we don’t WANT to know what tomorrow will bring.

The days have been so bad. So hard. It seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

I want to encourage you today. There is hope. There are better days ahead.

Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not the next day. But keep placing one foot in front of the other.


I remember when Pam and I had to say goodbye to Zane, our German Shepherd/Husky mix. I was crushed. My will to go on was gone.

As crazy as it sounds, there were days when I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. I’d lost my boy and I didn’t think I would ever be able to move past saying goodbye.

It’s been four years since we said goodbye to Zane. The days have gotten easier. The days have gotten better.

Then three years after saying goodbye to Zane, we had to say goodbye to Leviticus. He’d been a part of our family from the get-go. And I didn’t know married life without him.

Talk about a crushing blow. My other boy was gone.

But life is funny. Life is full of ups and downs. Sadness and joy.

There are still days where I’m filled with grief. Where I miss my boys with all of my being.

Yet there have been better days. Every day is a new day with new opportunities and new joys.

I can’t focus on what I’ve lost. I can reflect though but then I have to continue looking forward.

If all you do is look back on the past, you’re going to miss your future. You’re going to live a shadowed life. One covered in what-ifs or if I would’ves…

Don’t give up when there are dark days. They’re there for but a minute in the grand scheme of things.

You’ve got to continue moving forward. That’s the way you live life.

Question: How do you overcome the dark days and realize there are better days ahead?

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