I find myself reading quite a bit these days. I’m trying to find a balance between fiction and non-fiction titles but have found myself still leaning heavily towards non-fiction books. This probably has to do with my desire to continue to grow as a leader. I hope you have the same desire.

Image by Marcus Hansson
If you have the desire to continue learning, I’ve put together a great list of 6 books every leader should read by the end of the year. Each of these books have a special place in my leadership journey. I hope they’ll find a place in yours as well.
Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain – In Quiet (Book review), Susan teaches us why introverts are important. You’ll discover the secret power of introverts and the ways introverts can improve your organization.
Decisive: How To Make Better Choices In Life And Work by Chip and Dan Heath – The Heath brothers share with us the ways they’ve learned how to make better decisions. Some of their conclusions may surprise you but that’s what’s great about the book. You’ll come away with a new outlook on the decision making process and your leadership skill will improve.
Love Works: Seven Timeless Principles For Effective Leaders by Joel Manby – Joel has worked for GM, Saab, and Saturn. He was also featured on season 1 of Undercover Boss for his leadership at Herschend Family Entertainment. Through his experiences at those companies and his newest position at Herschend Family Entertainment, Joel has uncovered 7 principles for effective leaders that every leader should know. His methods are a bit different than the leaders you will see at most corporations. Instead of leading with fear and anger, Joel leads will love and respect. You’ll enjoy the stories he shares about the way leading with love changes a corporation.
Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition by Harvey Mackay – My wife purchased this book as a Christmas gift for me. While the main focus of Harvey Mackay is selling, you’ll also pick up leadership nuggets along the way. I found a great leadership takeaway in Swim With The Sharks. Harvey says – “You can teach it only by instilling a sense of pride, not shame in a pupil.” How true this is!
Great Leaders Grow: Becoming A Leader For Life by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller -Ken and Mark crafted a beautiful fable that revolves around Blake and his leadership journey. Blake’s mentor Debbie gives him the acronym GROW as he enters a new job and shows him the importance of growth as a leader.
Wild At Heart: Discovering The Secret Of A Man’s Soul by John Eldredge or Captivating: Unveiling The Mysteries Of A Woman’s Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge – This is a two-fer. Wild At Heart is geared towards men and how they were created. Captivating is Wild At Heart for women. It’s a great read that helps us understand why men and women act the way they do and the ways we can express ourselves.
Question: What book would you say every leader should read by the end of the year? Please share your suggestion in the comment section below.
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