Your Work Matters

There are days when we’ll feel down and out about the work we’re doing. Maybe it’s feeling you’re ineffective. Your influence isn’t growing. Or no one is listening.

I know there’s days I feel like this. To be honest, it can feel like a losing battle. But I have a great message for you today.

Your work matters.

Spalsh of water

Image by Flavio

Really, it does. More than you’ll ever realize.

Through your leadership and work, you’re touching people others will never be able to reach. I can’t touch everyone. Neither can you.

Yet you can reach the people around you. And that matters.

Work That Mattered To Me

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Jeff Jones, the former drummer of Big Daddy Weave. He was able to share some of the great things he’s moving onto. To be honest, I’m excited for him and encourage you to check out what he’s doing.

The 6th Way To Really Motivate Your Team

Jon Gordon recently wrote a terrific blog post about 5 ways to really motivate. I found myself nodding my head and agreeing to each point he made. They all rang true.

And then I got to thinking. There’s a sixth way to really motivate your team.

My thought focuses on and expands Jon’s point number 3 – Share The Vision.

When your company has a vision it is important that you share the vision and share it often. You need to make sure your team knows the direction of the company and where it will end up. Otherwise they’ll lose hope and start to wander.

But, as a leader, sharing the vision is only the first step in the right direction. You need to LIVE the vision.

If you’re not living out the vision, your team will notice. They’ll become disillusioned and discouraged.

Facing Change With Confidence

Today, I am writing as a contributor to the Christian Writers Blog Chain. The theme for September is “Change.” If you are a Christian author or writer, be sure to check out to network with others.

The pace of life seems to be ever increasing. Along with the increased pace comes increased change.

Your looks change, your children change, your friendships change, your life changes…

All this change can be scary.

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime Changes | Image by Fuyoh!

The good news is: It doesn’t have to be as scary as you make it.

Change isn’t always bad. It’s just different.

Sometimes it’s slow. Sometimes change comes quickly.

“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.”
— Taylor Swift

I’m sure you can think of bad changes and good changes that had occurred in your life.

Leadership Insights: Interview With Dan Miller

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dan Miller. He has been a huge inspiration to me. Dan was one of the catalysts for my personal growth and my desire to pursue meaningful work.

Dan MillerDan Miller, President of 48 Days LLC, specializes in creative thinking for increased personal and business success. He believes that meaningful work blends our natural skills and abilities, our unique personality traits and our dreams and passions. Dan is active in helping individuals redirect careers, evaluate new income sources, and achieve balanced living. He believes that a clear sense of direction can help us become all that God designed us to be.

Dan is the author of the widely acclaimed 48 Days To The Work You Love and No More Mondays. Dan and his son, Jared, will also be releasing their new book, Wisdom Meets Passion, at the end of August. If you haven’t picked up these books, you need to. It’s life changing.

Giving Up Isn’t The End

There will be times when you will have to admit defeat. That your prize is lost.

It won’t be pleasant but you’ll have to come to the conclusion that it’s for the best.

Shoreline with boats

Recently I experienced that with my new boomerang. I shared that story with you.

After getting the boomerang stuck high in a tree, I had to decide to leave it. Along with a volleyball we got stuck while attempting to retrieve the boomerang.

Disappointment quickly set in. My first time out with it and it’s stuck in a tree. I couldn’t even see it in the tree.

A few days passed and the disappointment faded.

The realization that it was okay. Nothing major was lost. Just an object.

Life went on.

Then one day I get a text from the youth pastor at our church.