5 Leadership Books To Read In March 2024

One of the ways I consume books is through audiobooks. I toss on a pair of Shokz headphones, lace up my shoes, and I’m out the door with Lok. I’m also out the door with a lot of inspiring, growth material.

Finding the time to read can be difficult. It’s the main reason I love audiobooks and the opportunity

it offers me to read while doing other activities. I’m able to exercise my body and mind.

As always, I’m on the lookout for great books. For myself and for you guys out there reading this. This month is no different. Keep reading to find 5 great leadership books you should check out in March.


Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Tetris

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

Set during the 1980s, Tetris tells the real-life story of the race to license and patent the addictive video game. Tetris was created by Alexey Pajitnov (Nikita Efremov). The movie is based on true events and will keep you on the edge of your seat.

When video game designer and founder of Bullet-Proof software Henk Rogers (Taron Egerton) was at CES (Consumer Electronic Expo) trying to sell his game, no one was paying attention. Even his salesperson left his booth to marvel over a new video game being displayed by Robert Stein (Toby Jones).

That game? TETRIS.

Man in a brown suit. Dark hair. Sitting in a chair with Tetris pieces falling around him.

Taron Egerton in Tetris

Henk walks over to the booth to discover his salesperson playing the game. He’s frustrated until he begins to play. Then it became the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

Ebooks and Audiobooks: The Value of On-The-Go Reading for Leaders


Man in a blue shirt in front of a laptop. He is pointing at the screen.

CEOs work on borrowed time, making allocating hours for continuous learning difficult. In a study of 60,000 working hours of 27 CEOS, Harvard researchers found that they work for 62 hours a week on average. That said, no leader is born with all the knowledge needed to be better at what they do. According to FinDec CEO Michael Lee, the finest leaders constantly pursue development and absorb new ideas despite their hectic schedules — which is why the most successful leaders are avid readers. And because of their digital nature, ebooks and audiobooks make the perfect companion for perpetually busy leaders wherever they go. Here are a few ways they encourage leaders’ growth:

5 Ways Visualization Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

By now, your New Year’s Resolutions are probably fading fast from memory. You set incredible, challenging goals, but now you’re well past many imaginary goal dates. You feel like a failure.

But you’re not. You’re human. Just like the rest of us out there.

What if I told you that you can get back on track, stay on track, and achieve your goals? I believe you can.

It takes the power of visualization for your goals. That’s what we’re going to discuss in this article.

Man standing on a rock outcropping. Trees surrounding him.

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

What Is Visualization?

Visualization isn’t difficult. We do it every day; we just don’t realize it.

Think about the time your mind wandered off. You got lost in a daydream. You visualized a reality that wasn’t there.

Now, apply that to your goals. At its core, visualization is a clear mental image of a future event or reality. 

Leveraging Technology For Leadership Success

I think about my father and the technological changes he’d seen throughout his 93 years of living. From the advent of the television to cars to improved phones to computers to cell phones… He saw a lot of technological advancement in his life.

We’re seeing similar things happen in our lifetime as well. Technology is increasing at a rapid rate. It’s hard to keep up.

Yet, technology is the key to success in business. We connect to customers, maintain our schedules, keep ourselves on task (or off task), and more.

But how does technology help someone in a leadership position? You already know some of the answers:

  • I can track employee efficiencies
  • I can communicate with my team even when I’m not in the office
  • Emails come directly to my cell phone