Will You Take The Annual Reader Survey?

I do my best to create the best leadership content for you, my readers. Sometimes I hit the nail on the head. Other times I miss.

That’s life. Right?

take the annual reader survey

We never know what’s going to be a hit and what’s going to be a miss. But I want your input. I want to hear from you guys.

You’re the ones reading what I put out and sharing it. So, can I ask you a big favor? Would you be willing to share with me your thoughts on my content and what you’d like to read on jmlalonde.com?

If so, I invite you to take part in the annual reader survey going on NOW! I appreciate you helping me make this website better and better suited for you.

Annual Reader Survey

Help me serve you better

I’m not all-knowing. I can’t read your mind. So, I need your help.

Every year, I look for ways to improve your experience on JMLalonde.com. This year is the same. And I NEED your feedback.

To help make the website better, I want to ask you a few questions. You don’t have to answer all of them. You can answer only the ones you’d like.

Whatever your choice, your input will help shape the direction of this website and the content served to you. Will you take a few minutes today and share your thoughts in our annual survey?

I go over every answer and consider the response. I then begin working on content to help YOU overcome the struggles you’re facing. This survey is for YOU and ME.

Stop Striving For Perfection

Or How I Overcame My Fear Of Writing

I remember when I first heard about blogging. The thought of typing out my leadership insights and ideas thrilled me. Then those same thoughts terrified me.

Soon, they turned from excitement to dread. Why?

Because I was caught up with the idea my work needed to be perfect. I had to strive for perfection.

Perfection isn't for leaders

I Was Foolish

But I was also normal. Everyone who has the desire to create art wants to do so with perfection.

They want their work to be above criticism. They want people to love what they do.

I was striving for perfection.

The truth is this often isn’t possible. Especially as you first start out.

I couldn’t be perfect in my writing. I didn’t know how to write well. And I felt foolish

So I hid.

2017 Annual Reader Survey

Every year I put out a reader survey. I do this to get your pulse. To discover what you’re going through and what you want or need to learn.

Heading into 2017 is no different. I’m coming to you, my readers, to ask you to take the annual survey.

Take my annual reader survey

I take the time to read through every response and consider your feedback. Your thoughts, comments, and answers will help shape the future of JMLalonde.com.

They help me to write content based on what you’re going through. With your feedback, I’m able to craft content that suits you.

Will you help me get to know you better?

If you’d like to help shape the future of the blog, please complete the survey here or in the form below.


Demographic surveypowered by Typeform

Top Posts And Commenters For January 2016

Anyone else amazed at how quickly the new year started off? It seems like yesterday I was ringing in the new year with my wife, my parents, and a couple of my siblings.

Now, we’re off and into February. And, for me, this month is only going to increase momentum. I’ve got a lot planned and hope you do as well.

most used words in January 2016

Top Posts

1. 10 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Intern

2. 20 Encouraging Bible Verses For Young Leaders

3. 25 Leadership Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr.

4. Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Creed

5. 17 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Pixar’s Inside Out

6. 9 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Burnt

7. 16 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Big Hero 6

8. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Maze Runner

9. 13 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Bridge Of Spies