Annual Reader Survey

Help me serve you better

I’m not all-knowing. I can’t read your mind. So, I need your help.

Every year, I look for ways to improve your experience on This year is the same. And I NEED your feedback.

To help make the website better, I want to ask you a few questions. You don’t have to answer all of them. You can answer only the ones you’d like.

Whatever your choice, your input will help shape the direction of this website and the content served to you. Will you take a few minutes today and share your thoughts in our annual survey?

I go over every answer and consider the response. I then begin working on content to help YOU overcome the struggles you’re facing. This survey is for YOU and ME.

Fill out the form below and let me know where you want to see this website go and how I can best help you. If you cannot see the form, you can also fill out the survey HERE.

Thanks for your time!

Take The Annual Reader Survey

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