Quotes And Leadership Lessons From A Quiet Place: Day One

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

With two entries into the A Quiet Place series (Part One and Part Two), I didn’t think we needed another entry. Boy, was I wrong. 

A Quiet Place: Day One brings us to the beginning of the alien invasion that silenced New York City and beyond. The two other movies have shown the terror after the aliens invaded. Now, we get to see how it started.

A man and woman covered in dirt/dust. The man has his hand over the woman's mouth. His other hand is making a sign to be quiet.

The focus is on Samira (Lupita Nyong’o), a woman living at Little Firs Hospice Care. She has terminal cancer and is nearing death. When the aliens invade, she makes one last push to get a slice of her beloved pizza from Patsy’s Pizza. Her mission seems silly when you first think about it. Yet, Samira’s quest to get one last slice of pizza before the world ends worked.

5 Leadership Books To Read In July 2024

The more we read, the more we can understand others and the trials they’ve gone through. It’s an amazing thing people are willing to share their experiences with us so we can grow more quickly than they did.

It’s one of the reasons I love reading or listening to books. It propels my growth.

This month, we’re going to look at another round of books to help you grow mentally, spiritually, and in your leadership.

Stacks of books

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

5 Leadership Books To Read In July 2024

1. Trekonomics: The Economics of Star Trek by Manu Saadia:

Manu Saadia did an excellent job of examining the economics of the Star Trek universe. I was enthralled while listening to the book and discovering more about Star Trek than I ever wanted to know.

Saadia digs into questions such as:

  • What does a scarce-less society look like

When Directions Don’t Get You To Your Destination

The Redeem Mi Run recently happened in Montague, Michigan. The purpose of the run was to help raise funds to redeem the land which had been polluted, neglected, and abused. 

Redeem Mi Land, an organization dedicated to the abovementioned goals, put on the event, which was their first and a great success. 

I was asked to be a part of this race. First, I was asked to find where to rent the start/finish line equipment. Second, I was asked to man a water/aid station at the 5K turnaround point.

One of the things I had to do for the aid station was to obtain water coolers that would dispense water. A person from my church was kind enough to allow us to borrow one of his spare coolers.

He gave me his address. I plugged it into the GPS. I turned into the driveway the GPS told me to go to.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Wicked The Musical

This edition of Reel Leadership is different. Instead of hitting on one of the latest films to hit theaters, we’re going to look at a musical theater play. When I ran the London Marathon, I had the opportunity to visit the Apollo Victoria Theatre London. It is home to the musical Wicked.

Wicked tells the story of The Wizard Of Oz but with a twist.

Glinda the good witch and Elphaba the Wicked Witch of the West together

The play explores the backstory of the Wicked Witch Of The West, Elphaba Thropp. She was born different, her skin a hue of green, and everyone seemed to be afraid of her.

This sets up an excellent chance to explore the themes of leadership. Wicked can help us reexamine the way we look at a troubled employee, how we view good employees, and more. Join us on this fantastical Reel Leadership journey.

5 Questions To Ask To Recognize If The Time Is Right

Discovering whether or not the timing is right to act is a crucial aspect of leadership. It’s one of the most important questions to ask before making any major change.

Yet, so many of us fail to ask this question. We’re bulldozers. We move forward. We make change happen, right?

But what if we’re doing it wrong?

In our rush to innovate, be the first to mark, or make a lasting change, we bypass the question of:

Is this the right time?

I believe there are questions that we can ask ourselves and those within our organization to get an answer. Let’s look at those questions and why they’re important to ask.