The Growth Mindset: 5 Ways To Transform Your Thinking

Do you thrive on challenges? Do you see failure as a way to grow? Do you desire to continue developing your skills and talents?

Then you probably have a growth mindset. Those that have growth mindsets are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves. They don’t see failure as fatal but rather failure as a setup for success. Challenges are exciting and they are encouraged by them.


Not everyone has a growth mindset. There is a tinge of fear when people hear they need a growth mindset and change.

The good news is that you can cultivate a growth mindset. In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re likely already on the road to success.

What holds people back from a growth mindset

First, let’s take a look at what holds people back from a growth mindset. There’s a wide range of reasons for this.

You may not have a growth mindset because:

  • You have a fear of failure
  • You lack awareness
  • You are resistant to change
  • You doubt yourself
  • You have past negative experiences

Yikes… That sounds like a lot to overcome. But you can overcome these hurdles to a growth mindset.

Many people have. You can be one of those too!

The Growth Mindset: 5 Ways To Transform Your Thinking

What does it take to transform your thinking? To have a growth mindset? That’s a good question and a great start to creating a growth mindset within yourself. 

Let’s take a look at 5 ways to transform your thinking and create a growth mindset within!

1. Embrace challenges:

One of the first things you need to look at to develop a growth mindset is how you view challenges. You will struggle to grow if you run and cower whenever a challenge presents itself.

The challenges we face are what make us grow. The Bible talks about how iron sharpens iron. Iron can’t sharpen iron unless there’s friction, a challenge between the two pieces of metal.

The challenges you face today are going to sharpen you. They’re going to make you mentally and physically sharp. Don’t run away from the challenges you encounter. Rather, embrace the challenges.

2. Be adaptable:

People get stuck in a rut when it comes to adaptation. It’s easy to continue doing things the way they were always done. Maybe you even have an ugly couch. 

I did for the longest time. I didn’t want to adapt to the change in our house and kept one of the ugliest couches you’ve ever seen. 

There was a lack of adaptability.

Organizations get stuck. They fail to adapt. Leaders do too.

Maybe you continue to lead the same way your mentor did. Or you choose to continue doing the same type of business because it’s always been done.

If things aren’t working, look at how you or the business can adapt. Adapting will change you. It’ll help you adopt a growth mindset.

3. Focus on effort:

While output is important, effort can be just as crucial in developing a growth mindset. Effort is what you put into something. Output is what results from the effort.

When you’re learning and growing, your output won’t be what you desire it to be. You’ll find yourself being less productive, frustrated, and even discouraged.

But stop it… 

Instead of looking at what the output is, look at the effort you’ve put into your work. Now, look at where that effort has gotten you.

You’ll soon discover that the effort you put in has helped to grow you in ways you never noticed. You’ve become more talented, skilled, and able than you were before. 

Now, as you take on new tasks, the output begins to increase exponentially. Don’t discount effort. Effort can change you and the world.

4. Learn from failure:

I harp on failure a lot. That’s because so many people are scared of failure. They think failure is fatal. Failure is not catastrophic.

Failure can actually be a great learning tool. When you’re able to look back, reflect on failure, and see where the mistakes were made, you’re able to grow and learn from the failure.

Failure is one of the greatest growth tools in your arsenal. Use it to grow.

5. Cultivate a love of learning:

More than anything, leaders are learners. They are constantly looking for ways to grow and increase their skills. They do this through learning.

Without a love of learning, you’re going to struggle to grow. You won’t want to crack open the latest business book, attend a conference, or try something new.

Cultivating a love of learning will help you grow because you’re loving the experience. 

Develop A Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset will take intentionality. You will have to focus on the areas you need to grow in, which aren’t always the fun areas to focus on.

But, when you develop a growth mindset, you will find yourself going to places you never imagined possible. You’ll also take those you lead along for the ride.

Develop a growth mindset, and you’ll never know where you will be in 10, 15, or 20 years.

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