Why Your Attitude Matters More Than Anything Else

It’s already been a rough morning. Before you left for the office, you and the wife had an explosive argument. Top that with the kids were crying and you were late… Your morning is shot. Your attitude is too.

Attitude is important to leadership - Angry baby face on a blanket

Photo by Ryan Franco

And that’s a major problem. Yes, the issues with your family are big problems too. Your family problems need to be fixed as well. However, when you bring a lousy attitude to the office, you’re bringing major problems with you.

Your Attitude Matters

As a leader, your attitude matters to your team. How you feel and the energy you exude will set the tone for your team members.

They see you down in the dumps and cranky, there’s a good chance they’re going to be as well. Your team will follow your example.

Greatness Comes At A Cost

Everyone talks about wanting to be great. They claim they want to make a difference in the world.

But is that the truth? Do people really want to be great?

I don’t believe they do. Greatness comes at a cost. A cost many people aren’t willing to pay.

Greatness will cost you:

Your time

Your energy

Your money

Your effort

Many times people don’t reach the level of greatness within them because they’re unwilling to pay the cost to be great. They want to do the least amount of work for the greatest amount of return.

This doesn’t work in real life. To make progress, to become better, you have to pay the price.

Sometimes You Miss The Mark

Can I be frank with you today? No, I’m not talking about a hot dog frank or changing my name to Frank. I want to be honest with you.

I’ve been struggling with something. I’ve missed the mark multiple times recently.

And I feel guilty about it.

You may miss the mark

In my writing, I share quite a bit about consistency.

On how we need to be consistent in the way we lead. On how we need to be consistent in the way we treat others. On how we need to be consistent in the way we take care of ourselves.

I’ve failed. In each and every one of these areas.

Monthly, weekly, daily even… I fail. I miss the mark.

You Will Miss The Mark

I hope my confession didn’t come as a shocker to you. It shouldn’t be earth-shattering news.

Just What Are You Missing?

When we look at the world around us, we often see a limited view. Especially when it comes to the area we live in.

We see opportunity everywhere. You might think living in Hawaii will change your life. It might but, then again, it might not. You might think moving to Nashville will bring you success. Will it really?

There’s more to our success than where we live…

There’s an old story about a college professor talking to the incoming freshmen. The story goes:

“Suppose that by paying a modest sum you would be given a permit to go into the largest most luxurious store in the world and help yourself to everything- diamonds, watches, expensive clothing, the best of everything, with the only limit being what you could carry away in a 4-year period…

The Single Action That Will Lead To Incredible Growth

Every leader wants to improve. It’s ingrained in us, right?

The problem is, many leaders fail to improve and improve quickly because they don’t know how.

They miss the single action that brings incredible growth. And it’s right under our nose.

The last couple of years have seen me tapper off my running. I have struggled to run long distances. I struggled to run faster.

My regular runs consisted of multiple stops during a 5k distance. My average my was creeping towards the 10-minute mark.

This time was frustrating. I knew I was better than this. I had been better than this.

I kept hitting the road. I kept getting the same results.

Then, something changed. I found my key to improving performance.

Run With Higher Performers

The thing that changed my running was the day I invited a friend out for a run.