How To Become A More Compassionate Leader

Compassionate leaders are leaders who change the culture of the organizations they work in. When you have leaders who actually care about the people they lead, the employees notice.

A job goes from being just a job to something different. The job could become a mission. It may become a mission field. Or it may even become a lifelong experience.

With so many hard-nosed, angry, and frustrated leaders, we don’t see as many compassionate leaders as we should. Instead, we put up with cranky, tense leaders who make the working environment unpleasant.

You can change this. You just have to work on becoming a compassionate leader.

How To Become A More Compassionate Leader

As you work toward becoming a more compassionate leader, I want you to keep the following thoughts and ideas in mind. These actions will help you become what you want to be: a more caring leader.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

Many people have said the Marvel Cinematic Universe has faltered lately. Sure, there have been flops with movies like The Eternals, but I believe the MCU is still going strong.

The latest film in the MCU, Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania, proves that.

Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania takes one of Marvel’s tiniest heroes to the big screen for the third time. His first movie was fantastic. The second movie in the Ant-Man franchise fell flat. But… But… Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania brings back the character and fun we all loved from the original film.

Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania occurs many years after the first two movies. Scott Lang/Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) has returned from The Snap caused by Thanos. He’s still struggling to connect with his daughter, Cassie Lang/Stature/Stinger (Kathryn Newton), because of the missed time with her. This lost time plays into her desire to learn, grow, and become something more.

Who Is On Your Team?

Changing the course of your life and making the new year your best one ever is tough as it is. Sometimes we make change even tougher than it has to be.

Why is that? It’s because we keep the wrong people on our teams. We believe we have to take everyone along for our transformational journies…

Team of climbers climbing mountain

Photo by Mathias Jensen

When you don’t have to. You can change up your team. You put some people on the bench, “trade” them, or bring new people onto the team.

But knowing who is on your team will do you well. You need to know who is on your team and what their positions are.

Who Is On Your Team?

Like a good sports team, you need to have certain key players. Baseball teams require you to have:

  • Pitcher
  • Catcher
  • First baseman
  • Second baseman

Stop Living A Groundhog Day Life

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil will peek his head above the ground and tell us how many days of winter is left.

With it being Groundhog Day, do you remember the 1993 comedy Groundhog Day? The film starred Bill Murray as Phil Connors. He was a weatherman covering a groundhog day event and gets caught in a time loop where he relives the same day over and over and over again.

Stop living on repeat

Photo by Peter Clarkson

The film is funny. Seeing Phil relive the same day, again and again, is funny. What’s not funny is that you and I can live Phil’s repeated day and not even realize the trap we’re caught in.

Are You Living On Repeat?

I look at my life and see I get caught on repeat quite often. My daily schedule looks the same. I wake up at the same time, go to the same office for work, do the same thing for lunch, head home, spend time with Pam and Lok, and so forth.

Making This Your Best Year Ever

This past year might have been a year full of struggles. You may have faced overwhelming business challenges. You may have gone through a relationship breakup. Or you might have lost your home due to reasons beyond your control.

Steps for making this your best year ever

Photo by Zoe Lin

But maybe last year wasn’t so bad. Maybe it was one of your best years ever. You may have finally discovered what you were created to do. There may have been a fantastic job transition which changed your life. Or maybe you welcomed your first child into your family.

Whatever last year brought you, you still want more in this new year. Who doesn’t? We always want to make the future better for ourselves and for those around us.

Don’t be ashamed for wanting more or better. This desire is natural and okay. Your desire for better will drive you to do your best to achieve all that you desire.