5 Ways To Overcome Worry – Don’t Miss Out On The Free Checklist Included

Does your mind dwell on the difficulties or troubles of your position? Do you constantly feel stressed beyond your breaking point? Is anxiety starting to feel more like a friend than an enemy?

Then, you may be in a worry trap.

Worry is giving way to anxiety and unease, dwelling on difficulties and troubles. It’s also a leadership killer.

Worrying will shorten your life. And it’s not healthy. Worry will put undue stress on your body and mind, activate your base instincts, and fills your body with cortisol. 

That’s something none of us want in our lives. So, what can we do about worry? We can use the following ways to overcome worry and feel a little more lighthearted in our lives.

How Strong Leaders Build Mental And Emotional Well-Being

It’s becoming increasingly apparent how important our mental and emotional well-being is. From leaders’ moral failures to the stories of leaders and pastors committing suicide, the focus has shifted from results to health.

Our mental health matters. Our emotional health matters. 

While we know this, we regularly ignore their importance. We look for ways to skirt around our mental and emotional health. We believe we can take care of it at some later time.

You can’t. And you won’t.

In fact, you might get to a point you can never take care of them. You’ll get to a point where you make the ultimate decision in your life.

I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to live a vibrant, thriving life. I want you to be healthy and whole.

Overcoming Negative Self-Talk And Building Self-Confidence

The way we talk about ourselves matters. The average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. These are the things our mind is telling us. These are the words we speak to ourselves. Do you know how many of those thoughts are negative?

According to a Psychology Today article, how we talk and think is not positive. They are overwhelmingly negative. The average person’s thought life is 80% negative. How many thoughts is that? If you only have 12,000 thoughts, you would think 9,600 negative things daily. If you’re on the high end, 48,000 negative thoughts would have passed through your mind.

Over and over again, we repeat these negative thoughts about ourselves. We believe we’re not doing good work, leaving a positive legacy, or are of value.

We tell ourselves this 12,000-48,000 times a day.

10 Life-Changing Habits For Personal Development

Our habits can either make us or break us. It’s the habits that we choose that will decide the direction we will go in life.

Og Mandino once said, “Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.” His words ring true to me. They should ring true for you, too.

We will examine 10 life-changing habits that will propel your personal development forward. These habits will change your life, make you a better person, and help you stay sane in an insane world.

10 Life-Changing Habits For Personal Development

1. Read daily:

One of the easiest habits to develop is the habit of reading. Books are a treasure trove of information for leaders. All you have to do is crack open a book.

5 Simple Habits to Boost Your Productivity and Achieve Your Goals

Come on, now. Who doesn’t want to become more productive? Who doesn’t want to achieve their goals?

Certainly not anyone reading this article. You’re part of the group that wants to be high-performing, productive, and goal-setting machines.

Am I right?

But, if you’re like me, you can struggle to be productive, achieve goals, or even set goals. I struggle with that last one, for sure.

I have good news for you and me. There are habits we can form that will help us get to the place we want to be. We just have to be willing to work on these habits.

In this article, I will share five habits to make you more productive and reach your goals.

Are you with me? I hope so!