Give Your Team Hope

There are going to be tough times in your organization. Sales might be down or you’ll lose key players.

Something will go wrong. That is a guarantee.

But even in these dark times, you need to do something. You need to give your team hope.

Your team needs hope. You can give them hope

The Power Of Hope

My favorite movie series has to be Star Wars. There’s an epic story that goes on.

One where we see a young, powerful boy transform into the biggest baddie the galaxy has ever seen. From there, we see hope rise with the Rebel Alliance forming to fight back against the evil Empire. And, we’re now at a point where the Jedis are gone and a new Jedi is rising.

The Star Wars movies all carried a similar theme: Hope. We must have hope.

There’s power in hope. And that’s why leaders must give their teams hope.

Become A Role Model Leader

Okay, you’ve been leading for some time now. You got the lay of the land and you are feeling comfortable as a leader.

What’s next in leadership? The next step is to become a role model leader.

All leaders need a role model

Image by Evan Rummel

Because of your positional authority, you’re leading multiple people. Each person you’re leading is looking to you for something.

Whether that is guidance in what to do, how to handle difficult situations, or the best way to act, people are looking up to you. Now, it’s time to give them something to look up to.

It’s time you become a Role Model Leader.

How To Become A Role Model Leader

Those 3 words (Role Model Leader) can feel heavy. And they should.

As a leader, you carry a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. One of those being the fact you are now a role model for others.

Become A Beacon Of Hope

Great leaders take a stand and call for others to come along on the journey. They point towards hope and say “There we go! That’s where we need to head.”

These impactful leaders become a beacon of hope for those they lead.

Hope guides people, be a hope brings

While leading will wear you out and take you down some dark paths, the job of a leader is to point to a brighter tomorrow. One that others have a hard time seeing.

That’s why they’re not leading. They can’t see the better days ahead.

You can. Even in your darkest hours. You know there’s something good ahead. And you want to lead others on a purposeful journey.

Hope Is What People Need

Getting things done and advancing is critical to being seen as a good leader. Leaders are people who move others to the next stage of life.

How 3 Questions Can Change Your Leadership

As a man of faith, I believe God can change our lives for the better. Through Him we receive the ability to persevere and have hope for a better tomorrow.

In 2 Chairs: The Secret That Changes Everything, Bob Beaudine’s latest book, Bob shares 3 questions that will disrupt our lives. I believe these 3 questions can also change your leadership.

2 Chairs and 3 questions to change your life

The 3 Questions That Will Change Everything

The premise behind 2 Chairs is that we need to spend time conversing, not just talking TO, God. By using 2 chairs we will have a visual representation of our conversation with God.

This is an amazing premise. Yet, I love what Bob’s mother shared with him at one point in his life.

What were those questions?

1. Does God know your situation?

2. Is it too hard for Him to handle?

26 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From X-Men: Apocalypse

A Reel Leadership Article

The X-Men movie universe has been a shaky one over the last 16 years since the first movie was released in 2000. We went from good to bad to worse to seeing improvement.

X-Men: Apocalypse, the 8th X-Men movie, was a step in the right direction, along with recent entries Days Of Future Past and First Class.

While it won’t win any critic’s awards, it was a fun summer movie. The action was fantastic. Seeing new X-Men introduced brought out my inner geek. And the story was engaging.

Now, let’s get to the leadership lessons from X-Men: Apocalypse.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead

Leadership Lessons And Quotes From X-Men: Apocalypse

1. Charles Xavier/Professor X:

A gift can also be a curse

To be a mutant is to be something special and unique. There are gifts you would receive if you were one. Yet there’s also a curse that comes with being a mutant.