Make People Smile

One of the greatest joys in life is the pleasure you can receive from making someone smile.

Not only is making someone smile free or cheap, doing so helps you out. Yes, that’s right. Getting people to smile can improve your mood!

Make others smile!

Image by Edoardo Costa

So, why don’t we try to make others smile more often? There’s plenty of reasons:

We’re in a bad mood ourselves

Our day has been hectic and we’re in a rush

Someone was just rude to you

You can’t figure out a way to make someone smile

Yeah, it’s true. Our days aren’t always pleasant. We don’t always carry a happy face with us. People can be jerks. And sometimes we just don’t know of a way to make someone smile.

When Too Much Of A Good Thing Is A Bad Thing

You’ve heard from your mother that too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Maybe it was put that everything should happen in moderation.

Honestly, it’s a good mantra to follow. Don’t you agree?

During the summer months, I find it’s much easier for me to eat healthy. Why? I’m not tempted by my second favorite treats… The holiday Reese’s peanut butter cups.

Reese’s releases special peanut butter cups to commemorate special holidays throughout the year. There’s the Reese’s peanut butter eggs, the Reese’s peanut butter hearts, the Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins, and the Reese’s peanut butter Christmas trees.

If you haven’t seen these things, you should. They’re amazing. Once you’ve seen them, you need to eat one or two… Or in my case 20.

There’s nothing wrong with these treats. They’re tasty and they’re fun.

10 Things Happy Leaders Do Differently

You may know a leader or two or ten who lead well but wouldn’t be the person you’d choose to hang around. You know who I’m talking about? You probably even have a picture in your head of these unhappy leaders.

I know you don’t want to be unhappy as a leader. You know there’s a better way. And there is.

What makes a leader happy?

Image by Glenn Waters

Examining happy leaders, I’ve come to the conclusion leaders who are happy do things differently. They make different choices. They lead different lives.

Let’s see what happy leaders do differently.

Exercise: Happy leaders know they need to take care of their bodies so they have the stamina to make it through the demands of leadership. The more active you are, the better the chance you’ll be happy.

4 Ways To Increase Your Happiness

So many people are struggling with sadness and depression. They’re searching for something that will make them happy.

All they want is to be rid of the feelings of depression and despair.

Truthfully, leaders can deal with the same feelings. And for the same reasons.

Today, I want to share 4 ways you can increase your happiness.

While there are many happy people in the world today, there’s a portion of the population that find happiness to be elusive.

They struggle to find that place of joy. They want the pain to go away.

Finding happiness isn’t always easy. And it’s not always possible. But there are steps you can take to increase your happiness.

1. Get away from work: We’ve become a nation of workaholics. Never leaving the stress of the job when we punch out.


Really, it’s amazing what the word Congratulations can do to a person. It can make them feel like they’re on cloud 9 and the world is their oyster.

Whenever we hear Congratulations, we feel like we’ve done something worthy of praise. That’s awesome!

Sadly, we may not hear the word Congratulations all that often. Our spouse (I know I’m guilty of not saying it to my wife enough), our boss, our employees, and even our friends may not say it or communicate it to us. That’s a bummer.

When we don’t hear that great word there’s often a feeling of shame or guilt we haven’t lived up to expectations or done something great. Don’t believe the lie.

We were made to be amazing. We were made to WOW the world. We were made to excel.