Really, it’s amazing what the word Congratulations can do to a person. It can make them feel like they’re on cloud 9 and the world is their oyster.
Whenever we hear Congratulations, we feel like we’ve done something worthy of praise. That’s awesome!

Image via Creative Commons
Sadly, we may not hear the word Congratulations all that often. Our spouse (I know I’m guilty of not saying it to my wife enough), our boss, our employees, and even our friends may not say it or communicate it to us. That’s a bummer.
When we don’t hear that great word there’s often a feeling of shame or guilt we haven’t lived up to expectations or done something great. Don’t believe the lie.
We were made to be amazing. We were made to WOW the world. We were made to excel.
So, even if you’re not hearing Congratulations from the ones you love or the ones you work for, it’s going to be okay. Because you’re still awesome. And you’ve done something that’s worth being praised for.
Now, my question for you today may be a bit uncomfortable to answer. We’re not always good at tooting our own horns. But that’s what I want you to do today. Without further ado, here’s the question.
Question: What’s something you deserve a congratulations for that you haven’t received one? Who’s someone you NEED to go and congratulate today? (Now go do it). Please share your answers in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.