Here’s How You Gain Respect

“You ain’t going to get my respect until you respect me.”

We can't demand respect

Image by Gigi Ibrahim

You couldn’t count the number of times I’ve heard those words uttered. As a youth leader, the recent generations of students have become centered around the idea of respect.

If you watch them closely, you can see how badly they want respect. Every action they take is centered around gaining respect.

From the clothes they wear to the friends they have to the hobbies they participate in, everything is focused on respect.

Yet they rarely know how to gain respect. The first line of this post is an example of how many young people view respect. It’s the me first and then you attitude.

And it’s completely wrong.

The Wrong Way To Gain Respect

There’s a mindset that you only reciprocate respect after it’s been given to you. People have to show you respect and then you return respect.

You Are Not A Tree

How many times do you get stuck in a routine you hate? Maybe it’s not a routine but a job you dislike?

Many people are of the mindset that they’re stuck in the job. They can’t move on.

Well, good news. You’re not a tree.

You are not a tree

Image by Louise Docker

A tree, for the most part, is unmovable. Once a tree’s roots have sunk into the soil and created a solid foundation, the tree is there until it’s dead. And then it falls over.

The same doesn’t have to apply to you.

If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.
— Jim Rohn: American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker

In a job you can’t stand?

Quit. Take action. Find another job. Start a business. Don’t stand still.

You are not a tree.

Don’t like where you live?

Wake Up To The New Reality

Look around you. Have you noticed something is different? Something has changed.

There’s a new reality all around us. If you haven’t already, it’s time to wake up to the new reality.

Stormtrooper about to wake up

Image by Pascal

Reality has been a constant change. One moment life seems grand. The next it all comes crashing down.

What many people haven’t realized is the reality of the workplace has been shifting as well.

What Once Was

Once upon a time, it seems so long ago now, there was certainty in the choice of careers and the leading of people. To get a great job, all one had to do was go to college, get a degree, and put yourself out there.

And you’d get chosen.

Someone would find your resume, peruse it, and call you into the office. In no time flat, you’d have landed a cushy job.

5 Ways To Help Your Team Grow

We know great leaders continue growing even after formal education. They also help their teams to grow.

I’ve shared how to create an environment of growth before. Today, I want to take it a bit deeper and give you 5 more ways to help your team grow.

Image by Paul Bica

Image by Paul Bica

Our main goal, other than leading the organization towards it’s goal, should be to create leaders. Whether it’s to take our place or to come alongside us, we need to be growing new leaders.

The best way to do this is to help people grow. There’s many ways to do this but I want to focus on 5 ways you can help others grow.

1. Grow yourself: Jack Welch once said “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” So what does this mean? This means we need to focus on ourselves and grow. Get to the level where you know more than someone else.

Don’t Talk About It, Do It!

How many of you deal with meetings, phone calls, and emails that discuss the plans of your organization? If this sounds familiar, raise your hand.

I’m betting all of you are raising your hands right now.


Image by Keoni Cabral

Most meetings consist of us sitting around with others in the organization discussing the plans we have for the company.

We’re heading in this direction. We’re going to take action here. We’re going after this market.

Yet when we leave the meeting, nothing seems to get down. Now that’s a problem!

This cycle reminds me of a riddle I once heard. It goes like this:

There were 3 birds sitting on a fence. 1 bird decided to fly away. How many are left on the fence.

The answer? 3. The 1 bird that decided to fly away decided on it but hadn’t taken action.