Today’s guest on the Answers From Leadership podcast is David Abraham. David is a revivalist who desires nothing more than to see a generation encounter the tangible presence of God! David believes that one encounter with Jesus can change the destiny of a person, a country or a generation forever!
David and his wife Rebecca are founders of Revive, an evangelistic ministry with a prophetic declaration to incite God-encounters in the lives of individuals and churches around the world. Out of this, they’ve started“NOW” (, encounter-based events on secular university campuses in which students are invited to encounter God!
Having grown up in the church, David is passionate in helping people become free from the culture of religion and “Churchianity” so they can truly live in the Father’s love and affirmation; in turn, live out their God-given identity. David has worked Pastor William McDowell and his team to help launch Deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando, FL and at the end of 2015, David and Rebecca were named in Charisma Magazine’s “rising voices under 40” article.
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What else would you like listeners to know about you?
I’m a husband and father of 3. So, I have my hands full. I’m a vocational evangelist who grew up as a pastor’s kid.
In my freshman year of college, I had a unique God moment in my life. It changed my life forever.
I also love coffee, I love technology, and I love sports.
How did you come to see yourself as a leader?
Ya know, being a pastor’s kid, you’re kind of thrown into the fire of being involved in church ministry. One day, I’m doing break down, then the next day is sound check, and so on.
I didn’t want to be alone in doing this so I rounded up some friends and got them together to help me.
You mentioned that you didn’t lead well in the beginning. How have you improved your leadership?
One thing that I did, and being a Christian, what I thought was successful ministry was TBN and what you saw on TV. These things skewed my mindset on successful leadership.
As a leader, I was very strict on the rules. I didn’t show grace. I was a robotic leader and didn’t lead from the heart. That’s something I didn’t realize at the beginning.
When I began to see others leading from the heart, things began to change.
Being willing to take criticism also helped. When I began leading, I was unwilling to take feedback. Now, taking feedback has improved my leadership.
We all face difficulties in our leadership, can you share one or two that you’ve faced?
One of the difficulties that I’ve encountered was seeing the excitement levels extremely high at the beginning. Only to have them taper off as time went by.
To keep your leaders actively engaged over the long haul is something that I’ve found difficult to do.
How can a leader bring faith into the marketplace?
I’m really passionate about this. Before I was an evangelist, I worked in the marketplace.
Until that time, I asked God to let the place I work to be my place of ministry. And I remember one time at lunch I felt something in my heart.
This small voice told me to not sit in the car eating my lunch, I needed to go into the cafeteria and read my Bible there. This provided me the opportunity to share with coworkers what I was reading and getting out of the Bible.
Do you believe we’re doing a disservice to those we lead if we stay silent about our faith?
I really do believe that we are doing a disservice. I believe living with intentionality is such an important thing.
There’s a mindset in the modern day American church where church is an activity or place that we go on Sundays and we do our thing and then we leave and go on with our lives.
Jesus said to Peter, Upon this rock, I will build my church. The greek word for church is Ecclesia. The word means Called Out Ones.
We are the called ones. We are the church. So the mindset needs to change from I am going to church to I am the church.
What can a leader do to help ignite passion in those he leads?
I would say that I really believe in these 3 things as a leader
You need to lead with vision
You need to lead from the heart
You need to let people fly
Vision gives people passion. Rally them around something bigger.
If you haven’t bought into your vision, it’s hard to get others to buy into it. That’s why you have to lead from the heart. That’s integrity.
Empowering your people to do something, or fly, allows people to run with the vision. And you’ll get the best out of them.
Did you have any issues with empowering people? Where there any fears?
Ohhh… Absolutely. I did.
I always thought that if it’s not done my way, it’s not done right. I’ve had to learn that this thought is not the truth.
My wife told me to just trust people to do their thing.
As we build up new leaders, we’re building community. How do we build up community properly?
I believe that when you lead well, I think people get a sense of belonging. When you’re passionate about what you’re doing and sincere, people get a feeling of connection. And they model this connection to others.
Can you recommend one or two books to help a leader grow?
I believe it passionately with my heart, the Bible. You’ll learn about God and leadership.
Tim Elmore’s Habitudes
Seth Godin’s Linchpin
Do you have anything else you’d like to share with listeners?
There was a time that I felt like even if I had leadership capabilities in my heart, I felt like I had to wait until someone said you are called to do this. I needed someone to validate me.
I realize this now, having heard these things, nothings changed. I still have to run and get up and work and do what I’m passionate about.
I didn’t need to wait. I could have run anyways.
You’re living in one of the greatest times of history. Don’t wait for someone to tell you to do it. Just do it.
Don’t settle to be average. Strive to be remarkable.
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