Today’s guest on The Answers From Leadership Podcast is Richard McLemore. He was the Canada BDC Regional Manager for Oracle. His specialties include coaching hiring/interviewing, revenue attainment, and career development.
Show Notes:
What do we need to know about you?
Played football at the University of Oklahoma
Served in the Special Forces where he was deployed to Vietnam and Los
Found he had a knack for sales and focused in that arena for 35 years
What does mentoring look like?
It looks different to different people
Having an expertise or showing extra care in working with others
Creating good relationships
He was taught 9 requirements for being a mentor
Starts with being able to inspire and motivate people
Have a high degree of collaboration
Have courage
Be able to build relationships with people
Develop and support others
Needs to be trusted at all times
Able to walk the talk
Have a strategic posture and perspective
Drive for results
Can anybody with those traits become a mentor?
What is required to become a mentor is that you have experience, have some development skills, and nurturing skills
You have to want to do the work that it takes to become a mentor
Have you had a mentor before?
He currently has mentors for sales and NLP
Having mentors will take you down the right path
Make sure to qualify your mentors
How has a mentor helped you in the past?
His current mentor is Matthew Pollard
He’s a third of Richard’s age
He’s helped bring out his strengths while diminishing his weaknesses
What is something a leader can do to encourage positive behavior changes in their teams?
Be an active listener
Show interest in what they’re wanting to accomplish
Get engaged with their people and their surroundings
People will share anything with you once you’ve gained their trust
How do you gain the trust of those you’re leading or mentoring?
Don’t deceive them
Can’t lie to them
They’ve got to know you’ve got their back
Make sure you make your team know they’re safe
What do you wish you would have known about leadership 30 years ago?
Failure is an option
There’s a difference between friends and drinking buddies
Having 2 good, strong sisters was a blessing
Being positive can really change your thoughts and life
What’s 1 or 2 books you’d recommend to help a young leader grow?
Tony Dungy – The Mentor Leader
The Bible
Do you have anything else you’d like to share?
Have courage
Don’t get caught up in bureaucracies
Be yourself
Resources Mentioned:
Tony Dungy – The Mentor Leader
The Bible
How To Contact Richard McLemore
Websites –
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