What does it take to get a millennial to want to come work in your organization? That’s the question that goes through the minds of many leaders.
It’s a fearful question. Thankfully, this question can also be answered.
We’re going to look at what it takes to make an environment millennials want to work in. It’s going to look different than what you may have worked in before or even want to work in.
Creating Environments Millennials Want To Work In
How do we answer the question of what kind of environment do millennials want to work in? It’s easy. You take a look at what motivates and makes millennials want to work.
You do this, you will engage the millennial generation at work.
To create an environment millennials want to work in, you will have to:
Create an environment of collaboration:
Money and competitions aren’t the language of the millennial generation. Their language is one of collaboration.
They want to work in teams that support one another. They don’t want to work in teams that are competing with one another.
The days of pitting team members against each other are gone. They don’t want to be competing for prizes against Bill or Tim. They want to be working side-by-side with them.
Create a stable environment:
For a long time, millennials were job hoppers. Millennials would leave jobs every two to three years. This is changing.
Millennials are now craving stable environments to work in. A 2017 study says millennials are now desiring to stay in a position for over 5 years. That’s a huge change from the constant job hoping they were once known for.
Look for ways to stabilize the work environment. You don’t have to make it exactly how your millennials team members want it to be. You do have to make it stable and welcoming.
Create more interactions with your millennial staff:
Millennials are a connected bunch. They crave social interaction and getting to know their coworkers. This includes you.
It can be easy to slip away to the corner office. In there, you’re king. Out on the floor with the rest of the team, you might feel uncomfortable.
You feel like you don’t relate to the millennials on your team. Or you don’t know what to say. Or maybe you an introvert.
Don’t let this stop you from interacting with your millennial staff. You can find ways to grow your relationships with this.
Do this and it’ll help keep those “ever moving” millennials stick with your organization.
Create the possibility of work-life balance:
I know, I know… there’s things to be done and you have to have someone in the office finishing the work.
But what if you didn’t? What if you could help your team of millennials create work-life balance by allowing them to work from home or a variation of the 8-5 so many of the older generations grew up with?
You’d create a workplace millennials love to work.
They can have a more balanced life. They can also do great work.
Technology has changed this aspect of the office. You don’t need butts in the seats. You need people who can get things done.
Trust them to work from home, out of the office, or to shave a few hours off of their week. Help (and let them) find a work-life balance that truly works.
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