What You Should Assume About Others

There’s an age-old saying about assuming things. I won’t quote the saying because it is slightly inappropriate but often accurate.

However, I think we can begin assuming things about others. I began to think about assuming in a different light after a recent church board member orientation meeting.

Man sitting on stairs

Photo by Black Jiracheep

Pastor Doug Tuttle, from Grand Rapids First, presented the orientation. He went over what it takes to be a great board member. He also shared the roles and responsibilities. It was pretty intense.

Yet, one thing, more than anything, will stick with me.

Pastor Tuttle said the board members should always do one thing. I believe leaders should also do what Pastor Tuttle suggested we do. That suggestion?

Always assume positive intent.

What You Should Assume About Others

Boom! That hit me like Casey Jones hitting a bad guy with his hockey stick.

Small Actions Build Big Confidence

Four years ago I installed a ceiling fan in my bedroom. I’d never tried anything like that before. I was scared and anxious.

When I was done installing the fan, I was beaming with pride. I’d installed a new fan and it worked! It’s always good when something like this works.

And then it happened.

A van and house on fire

Photo by Darn Armfield

One night while Pam and I were sleeping, we were woken up with a loud crackpop, and flames! Yes, flames… They were shooting out of the ceiling fan I installed.

I hopped out of bed. I ran to the light switch. And I flipped the switch quicker than I thought was possible.

The light and sound show subsided. It was over. Yet it wasn’t over.

Talk about a scary event.

How To Save At One Of My Favorite Outdoor Stores, REI

I’ve often written about my love for the outdoors and all the fun activities you can do. These have included ice climbing, running half marathons, and more.

As a leader, it’s important to have a hobby that gets you outside of the office and enjoying the great outdoors. Without a great hobby, it is easy to fall into leadership burnout and loss.

Today, I want to share with you a different kind of article. I am going to share with you about my favorite outdoor store REI.

What Is REI?

REI isn’t your typical outdoor store. REI stands for Recreational Equipment, Inc. REI is organized as a consumers’ co-operative.

This means you have the opportunity to be more than a consumer. You have the opportunity to be a part of REI.

Once you become an REI member, you’re open to new and exciting promotions. There is a gear sale that is only available to REI members. Membership is inexpensive and doesn’t expire.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Klaus

A Reel Leadership Article

Klaus is the 2019 English-language Spanish 2D-animated Christmas movie. It is unique in that the film is 2D but looks 3D. It was a sight to behold.

Klaus is a quirky film. It has its bright moments but it also lost me at the same time. The animation was stunning. The whiny Jesper (Jason Schwartzman) almost made me shut the movie off as I started to watch it.

Promotional image from the Netlfix movie Klaus

However, I wanted to bring another Christmas film to the Reel Leadership archives. So, we get Klaus in addition to Die Hard and Die Hard 2.

Klaus turns into a touching movie of goodwill and kindness. I am glad I finished the movie. I think you will be as well.

Let’s take a look at the leadership lessons in Klaus today!

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Klaus

1. Jesper:

No one wonders how the whole thing got started in the first place.

Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With?

The people we surround ourselves with are a reflection of who we are. This isn’t intentional but it happens.

Jim Rohn said that we are the sum of the 5 people we surround ourselves with. As we interact with people, we begin to learn, grow, and become more like them.

It’s not a bad thing. Especially if you’re surrounding yourself with high performers.

Group of friends enjoying time together

Photo by Helena Lopes

These high performers will lift you up, much like a rising tide lifts all ships.

I truly believe this. It is good to surround yourself with people who are going in the same direction as you (this isn’t to say you shouldn’t interact with those you disagree with).

Today, I want to ask you, who are you surrounding yourself with? I’ll also share with you a few people I’ve spent a lot more time with this year (outside of my family).