Catalyst Atlanta 2013 Si Robertson Notes of Duck Dynasty

si robertson of duck dynastyMaking a special appearance, Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty. Got to love the surprises they present at the conference.

Ken Coleman: What’s the importance of the cup?

Si Robertson: He went to Vietnam. His mother sent him a care package with a pair of cowboy boots. Two jars of jalepenos in one of the boots. The other had two jars but one was in the cup.

The cup is invaluable to him. The cup is 45 years or so.

KC: What’s the famous ice tea?

SR: He’s like a fine tuned race car. You’ve got to pull in for a pit stop once in awhile.

KC: It’s not sweet tea Si drinks. Why don’t you drink sweet tea?

SR: WWII came along and they rationed sugar. All the people who were drinking sweet tea no longer had sweet tea. Once the war was over, they just kept drinking unsweetened ice tea.

Catalyst Atlanta 2013 Dave Ramsey And Rachel Cruze Notes

Note: These are my notes from the Catalyst Atlanta conference. They’re unedited but I wanted to get them out to you as soon as possible.

Dave RamseyOpens up with Dave sharing his story and financial mistakes. Mentions he was the dad that screwed up.

Took 2 and a half years for Dave and his wife to lose everything they owned. The borrower is the slave to the lender.

Rachel takes to talking.

She describes the atmosphere and interactions as people walk into the Dave Ramsey corporation to give their Debt Free Scream.

She relates to the little girl. Because she was the little girl growing up.

Dave takes over again.

How do we form our legacy? The question is asked.

It doesn’t happen by accident. You have to do it intentionally.

Three lenses in

1. Ownership – You don’t own anything. You manage things, not own it.

Catalyst Atlanta 2013 Priscilla Shirer Notes

Note: These are live notes I’m taking during the Catalyst Conference. They’re not organized or edited.

Priscilla ShirerSometimes we don’t realize we’re being put into the place where we need to be to get what we’re asking for. Shared story about a relative and his child.

Child would go to the refrigerator, point at it, say EAT. The father would then bring the child to the high chair and go to get the food. The baby would wiggle out of the seat, goes back to the frig, and points and says EAT. This played out multiple times.

We do the same thing.

No matter how far you feel you might be removed from a goal you’re convicted about, what you need to do differently, what you need to change… God has enough patience to walk with you. Even if your friends or spouse might not.

Catalyst Atlanta 2013 Reggie Joiner Notes

Note: These are my notes from the Catalyst Conference happening today.

Reggie JoinerTalked about looking through a trunk at an antique store. Sorting through old pictures and a 20 year old came up to him and mentioned how sad it was.


Because these were people that were important and alive. Now they’re dead and no longer known.

Through his conference attendance over the years, those who were there at the beginning are no longer on the stage. They’re not as known.

Unusual statement made from grandfather to father: He said – Don’t let them forget me.

He wanted to be remembered.

Three pieces of information Reggie wants us to know:

1. You will die sooner than you think

2. You will be forgotten

3. You will only be remembered by the people who know you now

Catalyst Atlanta 2013 LeCrae Moore

Note: These are rough notes while I’m at Catalyst Atlanta 2013. I wanted to share what was going on and let you in on the great leadership conference.

LeCrae is a hip-hop artist, writer, producer, raptor (rapper/actor), father, husband, and more. In 2012, he released the Grammy award winning album Gravity.

Lecrae speaking at Catalyst 2013

Image via Catalyst

He’s been a powerful force in the music industry.

Says his story is in the Bible and references

Ephesians 2

He was dead in his sin and transgressions but then God adopted him and made him His son. In reality, it’s all of our story.

He saw TuPac as more important than his own father figure. His mother was abused and seen too much corruption in the church that she didn’t want him to be a part of it.

Was an atheist in his youth.