The Challenges Of A Job Transition

I haven’t had a lot of experience with job transitions. However, the job transitions I’ve had, have exposed me to the challenges you will face when switching jobs.

Man facing first day at new job and the challenges he will face

Photo by Oliver Cole

Most recently, I switched companies and experienced the challenges once more. Today, we’re going to talk about what challenges you’ll face as you transition to a new organization and what you can do about them.

The Excitement Of A Job Transition

Let’s be honest, when you choose to transition from one organization to another, the transition is exciting. You get to move into a new organization and help them thrive. Your expertise will change the company you’re going to.

That is exciting. You have new opportunities. New challenges. New relationships. And, hopefully, better pay.

These items make a job transition fun and exciting. You’re getting to move out and expand your horizons.

Give Your Team Hope

There are going to be tough times in your organization. Sales might be down or you’ll lose key players.

Something will go wrong. That is a guarantee.

But even in these dark times, you need to do something. You need to give your team hope.

Your team needs hope. You can give them hope

The Power Of Hope

My favorite movie series has to be Star Wars. There’s an epic story that goes on.

One where we see a young, powerful boy transform into the biggest baddie the galaxy has ever seen. From there, we see hope rise with the Rebel Alliance forming to fight back against the evil Empire. And, we’re now at a point where the Jedis are gone and a new Jedi is rising.

The Star Wars movies all carried a similar theme: Hope. We must have hope.

There’s power in hope. And that’s why leaders must give their teams hope.

What We Can Learn From The Hard Times

Everyone will experience hard times in their lives.

These are the times when it seems like you can’t get ahead. Maybe your bills are piling up. Or it could be the initiatives you’ve launched have failed.

Hard times try us.

The hard times can be your friend

You Will Have Hard Times In Your Life

The last couple of years have felt like a mighty battle has been waged in my life.

We had to put down one dog. We’re concerned about the health of our other dog. We left a leadership position at a church (and the church itself). We had to buy 2 vehicles in one year. We had our basement flood and we had struggles with our city’s insurance company.

These hard times have weighed heavy on our hearts and minds. They’re troubling yet reassuring all at the same time.

How To Keep Going When You Don’t Feel Like It

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you feel you can’t go on? Or just don’t want to?

We all have those times when life beats us down.

You may have faced criticism on your blog. You may have had to close your business. Or you may have experienced a great loss.

Times like those are hard. No doubt about it.

Run down

Image via Guillaume Pasquet

But there is great news. It’s not the end of the line for you.

You can and must make the decision to continue.

How can you do this?

  • Examine the situation:
    Take a good look at the situation.
    What went wrong? How could this have been prevented? What do I need to change?

    Use this as a learning experience. Choose to fix the faults that you can.

    This situation can be used to sharpen your skills and propel yourself forward.