Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Glass

A Reel Leadership Article

Eighteen years after the release of one of my favorite movies, M. Night Shyamalan returns to write and direct the last movie in the Unbreakable trilogy. Glass concludes the three movie story arch with a bang.

The start of Glass sees David Dunn (Bruce Willis) working with his son, Joseph Dunn (Spencer Treat Clark), to rid his city of crime. They’re working in a security business during the day. During the night, David goes out to fight crime as The Overseer. Their next big target is Kevin Wendall Crumb and his many personalities (James McAvoy), the main villain from Split.

Elijah Price, Kevin Wendall Crumb, and David Dunn from Glass sitting in a psychiatric hospital

Samuel L. Jackson, James McAvoy, and Bruce Willis in Glass

David has helped capture Kevin. Upon the capture of Kevin, David and Kevin are sent to a psychiatric hospital run by Dr. Ellie Staple (Sarah Paulson). Elijah Price, Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson), is already housed in this facility.

15 Leadership Quotes On Rest

You’re constantly giving to those you’re leading. You give your time, your energy, and your ideas. All of these activities can drain you of your energy.

To be the best leader you can be, you need to learn to rest. You can’t go, go, go and expect to be on the top of your game. You have to pause and take time to recover.

Rest can make you a more productive leader - Woman resting in a hammock

Photo by Zach Betten

The greatest leaders have known this truth. They know they have to take time to rest and recharge.

Let’s take a look at 15 leadership quotes on rest and what they mean for you.

15 Leadership Quotes On Rest

1. Thich Nhat Hanh

We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don’t allow our bodies to heal, and we don’t allow our minds and hearts to heal.

Peak Performance Strategies To Help You Conquer As A Leader

We all want to experience positive growth in life both as leaders and as individuals. It has always been the greatest desire of every human. Though some attain greatness while others don’t. Why? Stay with me. I will give you the answer below as I try to list out few of the peak performance strategies I’ve discovered.

Unlock your peak performance with these strategies

Photo by John Gibbons

Prior to putting this together, I’ve done some research and I’ve asked a few questions too. Acceleration in life doesn’t just happen. It is greatly influenced by the group of people, friends, and colleagues you associate with. The type of information and probably orientation you have. These enhance your ability and capability to reach your goals early in life.

5 Convictions Every Leader Should Have

Those who lead need to be people of conviction. Leaders need to hold fast and true to what they believe true.

When they don’t, organizations begin to sway and falter. We see uncertainty and unclear vision when a conviction is not there.

Your convictions matter

Image by Jin

This begs the question: What convictions should leaders hold onto? What can a leader believe that will drive their organization forward?

I believe there are 5 convictions every leader must believe and hold tightly to.

1. There are better days ahead: It’s easy to get discouraged when leading. Your organization might not be moving ahead as quickly as you would like. Your team may not be following your instruction. Your company may even be facing financial difficulty.

Those days suck. But there are better days ahead.

Remember the glory days? The days that looked so promising and held so much excitement?

The Difficult Path To Finding Your Purpose

Everyone was born for a purpose.

That’s right, even you. You are here for a reason.

There’s something special about you. And you must find out what makes you, you.

You’ll find people out there who will tell you the path to purpose is easy. By following 3 simple steps you can know you purpose and begin living it out.

I’ve found this to be a bunch of bunk. I’m pretty sure you have too.

Finding your purpose isn’t easy.

In reality, this will be one of the hardest things you’ll do.

Forces will come against you. You’ll tell yourself you’re not worth it. You’ll hear others tell you that you’re silly for pursuing what you believe in. You’ll feel crazy because your purpose may seem so far out there.