The Role Of Rest And Renewal In Personal Development

If there’s one thing I believe more than anything about leadership other than we can’t do leadership alone is that leaders need to find rest. Rest is critical to your personal development, even if it seems counterintuitive. 

The Role Of Rest And Renewal In Personal Development

There are multiple reasons why rest is essential in your personal development. Rest does the following:

  • Recharges our minds
  • Recharges our bodies
  • Gives us clarity
  • Allows us to process our day
  • Helps us to process our situations

As you can see, rest isn’t something we choose to do. Rest is something we must do. But we struggle with rest because we’re told to hustle all day, every day. That’s terrible advice. We have to find ways to slip rest into our days.

But how do we make rest important? How do we get rest in our days?

8 Time Management Strategies To Improve Productivity

Time management is important. When we fail to manage our time, we let priorities that are not our own invade our lives.

That’s why you have to take control of your time. You have to manage it well. Just like your money, you have to tell your time where it will go.

Do you want to feel like you’ve got control of your time again? Do you want to get more things done in less time? Then it’s time to kick those poor time management habits to the curb.

Black laptop sitting on a wooden desk.

Photo by Remy_Loz on Unsplash

8 Time Management Strategies To Improve Productivity

1. Calendarize your priorities:

If we don’t know our priorities, anything could be a priority. This is why you have to decide what’s a priority and what’s not. Once you’ve decided on your priorities, schedule them. You can schedule everything from regular workout routines to date nights with your spouse to personal development.

7 Unstoppable Communication Techniques

Everyone communicates. Not everyone communicates effectively. 

They use poor prose, ineffective examples, or they drone on and on. Little do they realize what they’re doing to the people they lead, communicate with, and live with. 

They’re not really communicating. They’re giving information. And they’re leaving people feeling empty and unheard.

You can change this for yourself and those you lead. You can develop effective communication skills that will skyrocket your effectiveness and help you communicate clearly.

7 Unstoppable Communication Techniques

To improve your communication skills, look at these unstoppable communication techniques. Each technique will help you become the communicator you’ve always desired to be, but maybe struggled to live out. By applying these techniques, you’ll find people understand what you’re trying to say, listen to you, and help you reach your goals.

5 Leadership Books To Read In July 2023

Reading is a great way to increase your knowledge through the experiences of others. It’s why every month I bring you a list of great leadership and personal development books to help you grow and become the leader you desire.

This month is no different. 

Are you ready for July? It’s typically a month of vacations and traveling for many. If that’s you, don’t neglect your personal development. This month’s list of books is great.

5 Leadership Books To Read In July 2023

1. Lead Like It Matters to God: Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World by Richard Stearns:

Richard Stearns was the CEO of World Vision, an organization near and dear to my heart as they bring clean water to those who lack it. In his book, Lead Like It Matters To God, Stearns recounts his journey from President of Parker Brothers and Lennox (you remember the crystal company, right?) to joining the non-profit World Vision upon God’s calling. 

Bouncing Back: How to Cultivate Resilience in the Face of Life’s Challenges

Our mindset can make or break us. If we live with a negative mindset long enough, we bring ourselves and those around us down.

We can’t do that. It’s not right for those we care about. It’s not right for us.

But what can we do about this? We can change our mindset. We can become resilient.

A rock island surrounded by water and rock walls

Photo by Wolf Schram on Unsplash

Bouncing Back: How to Cultivate Resilience in the Face of Life’s Challenges

Life throws a lot of crap our way. It’s our choice whether or not we allow the crap we get hit with to stick or not.

I think of all the setbacks I’ve had in my life. From being let go from Family Christian Bookstores (this could be one of the best setbacks that set me up for a great comeback) to becoming deathly ill, I’ve had to bounce back.