The Art of Communication: How to Build Stronger Relationships and Achieve Greater Success

The art of communication is something everyone can work on. We never become the greatest communicator alive. There will always be someone else.

Communication is the thing that can make or break the best leaders. Without clear communication, you will struggle to get people to listen to you, act on what you say, and be heard.

Communication is pretty important, huh?

How can you build your communication skills and, in turn, build stronger relationships and achieve greater success? Follow along; we’re going to take a look at a few ways you can do this.

The Art of Communication: How to Build Stronger Relationships and Achieve Greater Success

Listening: The Most Important Skill

Wait, but you said we would learn about communicating, right?!? We are. And listening is the most important skill when it comes to effective communication.

The Missing Leadership Ingredient

Great leaders all have many traits in common. Great leaders are able to cast vision.

They’re also able to inspire others. Not only that, great leaders know how to get the job done.

But there’s one thing aspiring leaders can miss that will hold them back. There’s a missing leadership ingredient every great leader must have.

What leadership ingredient are you missing?

12th Grade Me

Looking back through my grade school years, there’s a handful of teachers that I can remember. There’s even less who had a meaningful impact on my life that I can recall.

One man sticks out. His name? Gibner… Mr. Gibner.

What made Mr. Gibner so memorable? He held the missing ingredient of leadership that holds so many back.

I look back all those years ago and can remember it like yesterday.

My girlfriend had broken up with me. I’d been kicked out of church. And I was highly emotional.

The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In Leadership

In order to lead, one must first look within.

Good leaders can be defined by their emotional intelligence, which according to Psychology Today, requires an individual to manage both their own emotions and the emotions of his or her team. It might sound easy, but it’s not.

A December 2014 report in Forbes magazine explains that emotional intelligence is the act of understanding and responding to one’s own emotions and dealing with and overcoming stress, while knowing that their words and actions at a critical moment will directly impact the overall composure of the team.

Essentially, there are four key components of emotional intelligence: Self-assessment, self-management, empathy and/or social awareness and relationship management.

Self-awareness might seem like an intangible quality, but it’s actually a cornerstone of success, according to Mark Connelly, a counseling psychologist and certified life coach based in Cape Town, South Africa.

Controlling Your Emotions By Using Emotional Intelligence

Thursday night I had the pleasure of sitting down and having a conversation with Linda Hoenigsberg over Google Hangouts.

It was such a joy to discuss emotional intelligence and how we can learn to control our emotional state.

Watch the video below to see our emotional intelligence discussion.

What you’ll learn in the video:

How emotions effect the workplace and your ability to lead: Linda shares a shocking story on how a leader missed being aware of the emotional environment and what this did to her.

What you can do to calm the emotional environment in your workplace: Emotions can run wild within an organization. People are interacting with one another and signals can get crossed. Learn what you can do to calm the emotional storms when they arise.