After many delays, the world is finally able to see the new Sony Spider-Man-based film Morbius. Morbius stars Jared Leto as Doctor Michael Morbius. Morbius has a rare blood disease that causes extreme pain and physical issues. One of those is difficulty in mobility.
Morbius is a brilliant scientist who seeks out a cure for his disease. He takes steps many people would never consider until he eventually finds a cure.
While the cure heals his condition and he can walk again, the cure also makes him into a living vampire. He now longs for blood.
Uh oh. That can’t be good.
Critics may have hated the film but I found myself enjoying Morbius. It was great seeing a childhood favorite on the big screen and done well.
More than enjoying the movie, I found myself seeing leadership lessons in Morbius. I think you will today.
Today, we are looking at the leadership lessons from Morbius and how these lessons can help you lead better.
Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Morbius
1. You don’t need to be big to have a significant impact:
Morbius opens with a helicopter transporting Morbius to a remote island. He is interested in the vampire bats residing in a cave there.
The vampire bats are a curious species. Though small in size, often weighing next to nothing, the bats can take down animals ten times their size.
Bats are small. They are also powerful.
We think we have to be the best leader in the world to have an impact. If we’re not doing something great, we’re no good.
Thinking you can’t make an impact because you are small is a terrible mindset to have.
Instead, know you can do great things through small deeds, works, and organizations. Many small organizations are making huge impacts throughout the world.
2. Morbius:
We are the few amongst the many.
A young Morbius was in a care facility for people with his disease. He once had a roommate named Milo. Milo left and another boy came and then another and another. Morbius began calling all of these boys Milo.
The most recent boy to be called Milo was Lucien (young – Joseph Esson, old – Matt Smith of Doctor Who fame).
A school next door let the students out. These students made fun of the children in the care facility.
Morbius comforted Milo by stating We are few against the many.
Yes, we are few against the many. This is not to say we are against the people we lead. No, we are for them.
However, there are many leaders out there who are not leading for the right reasons. They seek power, riches, and fame.
We lead not for those things. We lead because we know we can help the people under our charge.
Lead for the right reasons and you will be few amongst the many. Yet, you will be the few who are leading rightly.
3. Use your talents to help people:
Morbius was extremely bright. When Milo passed out, Morbius sprung to action.
He looked at the medical equipment. It was malfunctioning. A fuse had blown.
Morbius macgyvered a solution.
Using a ballpoint pen, he made a makeshift part that solved the problem. He used his brain to solve a complicated issue.
We all have talents that can be used to help people. Maybe you’re a great visionary. Or you see solutions to problems no one else can.
These are talents!
Use these talents to help your team succeed in business and life.
4. Martine Bancroft (Adria Arjona):
At what cost?
Morbius’ cure involved mixing bat DNA with human DNA. This had never been done before. It was also highly unethical.
Bancroft, a love interest of Morbius, questioned him.
She knew how dangerous this could be. She wondered out loud what the cost would be.
Do you ever stop and ask yourself what the cost of what you’re doing is? Wise leaders do.
They stop to question whether the costs outweigh the risks or consequences.
There are many things we should reconsider because the cost is too high.
What could the cost of certain leadership decisions be? They could be:
- Loss of integrity
- Needless pain inflicted upon your team
- Loss of your family
- Immorality
Make sure you’re weighing the cost. Some actions are not worth the price.
5. Document the results:
Morbius discovered things were happening within him after he became the living vampire. As a scientist, he began to document the changes.
There were positive changes. These changes included increased physical activity, strength, and the ability to fly.
There were also negative changes. The most significant negative was the thirst for blood.
As he documented the results, he was able to try to hunt down another cure.
Leaders cannot simply lead. They need to examine the results of their actions. This is where we need to be like Morbius.
Document the results of your choices. See where you’ve made great choices and where you’ve made negative choices.
By documenting the results, you can look back, see the results, and avoid negative future decisions.
6. What once worked may become ineffective:
Morbius discovered that artificial blood could sustain him. Over time, the effects of artificial blood decreased. It was no longer effective.
Human blood, on the other hand, was effective. Morbius could sustain himself on real blood indefinitely.
Be aware of what you’re doing. Look at the effectiveness.
You may discover that what once worked is no longer as effective as it once was.
If you notice this, change up what you’re doing. Find another method (no drinking human blood, now!).
There’s always something else that will work.
7. Hurting people are desperate:
Milo had seen what the cure had done to Morbius. Having the same condition as Morbius, Milo was excited at the prospect of a cure.
Despite Morbius’ warning, Milo betrayed Morbius. Milo stole a vial of the serum.
He injected himself with the serum.
Milo experienced the same effects Morbius did. He longed for blood.
Because of his pain, Milo was desperate for a cure. He was okay with the pain and misery he would bring.
Be careful leading, especially when you are hurting. Your pain will cause you to take desperate measures.
I’ve seen people cook the books, cheat on their spouses, and more because of their pain. They were desperate for relief. They were desperate for an answer.
Their answer caused them to take actions that hurt themselves and others.
Take a step back when you’re hurting. Don’t make any significant decisions.
8. Morbius:
Milo took the serum. He’s out there. I have to stop him.
Morbius realized he had created another monster with Milo. Morbius’ serum was what transformed Milo. It was Morbius’ fault.
Our actions can lead to unintended consequences. These consequences can cause pain and agony.
And they’re our responsibility to take care of.
When you hurt someone while leading, it’s your responsibility to care for the hurting people. You made a mistake, you now have to fix it.
Go fix your mistakes.