Pastor Sergio De LaMora is the lead pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Diego and the author of The Heart Revolution. His mission is to turn the hearts of youth and families all over the world back to God and back to each other.
On Wednesday, I had the chance to hear Pastor Sergio speak in one of the Catalyst Lab sessions. His leadership speech stirred me up. My hope is that today he does the same in the main session of Catalyst. Be prepared to be blown away by the pastor of the largest Latino led church in San Diego.
Recapturing Your Heart To Dream Again
Many Americans hearts have been shattered over the last couple of years. People know the sting and the pain of watching our dreams dissolve.
Failure happens and were left broken. What can we do to rectify this?
Think about how much you prepare for failure. We think about failure. We plan for failure. We try to prevent failure.
Now, how much do you prepare for success? I’m sure it’s a lot less than you prepare for failure. In the long run, this failure to prepare for success prepares us for failure.
The comparison mindset has come back into this message. Sergio brings up the fact that we may begin to focus on how other people are living their dreams. Meanwhile, we’re stuck where we’re at, struggling to move forward. We need to pay attention to the problem of comparing ourselves to others.
It’s Time To Recapture Your Dream
Recapturing your dream may not be easy. You have people who you think should be on your side who are the naysayers and the ones who drag you down.
But it’s okay. They’re not the final authority over your dreams. They have no claim to your dream.
There’s an author to your dreams. This author of your dreams has plans and He intimately knows your dreams. And He’s not going to let them fail.
Let Jesus walk with you as you recapture your dreams. As long as you’re alive, you’re here to dream and live out the dreams God has given you.
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