There are times when life is stressful, and it’s easy to let our minds wander to dark places. At these times, it’s important to remember that we have control over the quality of our lives. We can make decisions that put our minds at ease and take steps to ensure that our minds remain healthy.
A healthy mental mindset is crucially important for leaders. You’re not looking out for yourself only. You’re also looking out for your team.
When your mind wanders to dark places, the people you lead are impacted. We need to make sure our mental health is in a positive place.
How do you do this? We’re going to look at how to maintain good mental health in today’s article. I hope this will help you keep your mental health healthy or begin moving you toward better mental health.
How To Maintain Good Mental Health
1. Consume a healthy diet:
Our diets are an important part of our mental health. We may not think so but it is.
If we’re putting garbage into our bodies, we’re not going to be at our best. Not being at our best will make us feel like failures.
Look at your diet. What can you change to make it healthier? Make a slight shift in your diet to maintain or improve your mental health.
2. Get regular exercise:
I cannot emphasize this one more. The amount of physical activity you get impacts the way you feel.
You will struggle to feel mentally well if you’re morbidly obese, inactive, and in pain all of the time.
Regular exercise will increase your physical fitness while improving your mental health.
There’s something special about moving your body, working up a sweat, and burning those calories that shifts your mood.
3. Develop and maintain positive relationships:
Relationships are another important factor in maintaining good mental health. The quality of your relationships often impacts your mental health.
I’ve developed a band of brothers that have kept me sane in difficult times including losing my father, struggles at work, and more. My relationship with these three men is critical to my mental health.
You will find this true for you, too. Build up a group of people you can have a positive relationship with. Talk with them when you’re struggling.
Your mental health will thank you for your positive relationships.
4. Participate in hobbies and passions:
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This is an old saying that is true.
I know of leaders who have made work the sole focus of their life. When I talk with them, they admit to struggling with mental health issues.
The leaders who have hobbies that I talk to seem to be in a much better place. Or so they say. I know I feel mentally better when I participate in the hobbies I enjoy.
Some hobbies you may consider are:
- Comic book collecting
- Watching movies
- Mowing your lawn
- Cooking on your Kamado Joe
- Hiking breathtaking trails
- Playing tabletop games
- Sketching
Find a hobby. Find a passion. Use it to boost your mood.
5. Get plenty of sleep:
When I don’t get enough sleep, I wind up cranky. I frustrate my wife. In turn, that frustrates me.
Sleep is a critical part of not only our regular health but our mental health.
It is recommended we get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. However, it is estimated 40% of people don’t get these much-needed hours.
Begin to teach your body how to get more sleep. Set a schedule and stick to it. Your mental health needs you to sleep!
6. Meditate or pray:
A spiritual practice such as meditation or prayer can help calm the anxious thoughts running through your mind. Praying can help you vocalize what you’re dealing with. You can tell God your innermost issues and He won’t judge you.
Use your prayer or meditation time to let go of the daily struggles you’re facing. Lift your needs up and let them go.
You will find prayer takes away a large mental burden.
Stress is inevitable, but how you cope is worth it. Stay mentally sharp!
7. Talk to a therapist:
There’s no shame in talking to a therapist or mental health professional. These people are there to help you navigate the tricky feelings, thoughts, and actions you’re dealing with.
If you’re struggling with mental health issues, talk to a professional. They have the tools to walk you through the issues you’re facing.