I don’t know about you but one of the things I love to learn about is unconventional leadership styles. Most of the unconventional styles you see come from leaders who are stepping up their game and taking chances. Are you going to be one of them?
1. Be Flexible: Chris Guillebeau has been one of the most unconventional leaders I’ve seen. He took up the task of traveling to every country in the world by a certain date. There were destinations were Chris had to be flexible and change his plans. It didn’t ruin his trip, just made it different.
Are there areas of leadership you need to be more flexible in? See the need to be flexible as more of a game. Make it fun and flexibility becomes enjoyable.
2. Love People: Joel Manby in his book Love Works (affiliate link. I get paid a small commission if you click and buy from this link) shows us how love can help you step up your game and lead better. Through agape love, his company has helped their staff work harder and better. All because someone cares about them.
Herschend Family Entertainment stepped up their game by loving their employees. You can too.
3. Care About The Details: Steve Jobs took notice of the internal components of the computers Apple was manufacturing. He was interested in what was done down to the color of the motherboards. Now, most people will never see this but Steve knew what was contained within the machines and wanted them to be special.
The details matter. It’s the small things that will endear you to your customers and staff. Think of the small things you can do to change the opinions of others.
4. Stay Creative: Matt Appling, author of Life After Art, reminds us that we’re all creators. Regardless of what we do, we’re creating art and we should remember this fact.
By staying creative you will see new trends and movement before others. Be on the lookout for what you can create and how you can move forward.
5. Use Your Time Wisely: Every person has a limited amount of time. But not everyone uses their time the same. Be wise about your time and how you use it.
Do what Zig Ziglar says and create an automobile university by listening to CDs, podcasts, audiobooks, or seminars while you’re driving. To take it a step further, do what I do and listen to them during early morning runs or other exercise times.
You’ll suck up the knowledge and be ahead of the game because you were wise and doubled up on activities.
6. Be Generous: Leaders like Michael Hyatt have stepped up their game and gained influence by being generous. They’ve given away their knowledge for free to help you become better leaders. Not only that, they’ve given away books, audio, and more. The generosity is amazing.
Generosity seems to attract others. People love those who are willing to give to others and help them out. Be one of these leaders and step up your game.
Question: Oh wait. I said there were 7 unconventional ways to step up your game and lead. Where is number 7? This is where I need your help. I want you to come up with the 7th way to step up your game. So, what unconventional way do you step up your game and lead? Please share number 7 in the comment section below.
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