Research shows that up to 77% have at least a little glossophobia. What is glossophobia? Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking.
I had a huge fear of public speaking. I would stumble over my words. I would forget what I wanted to stay. I felt like a fool any time I would get up to speak.
Through the urging of friends, I joined a local Toastmasters club. It made a huge impact on my public speaking. Not only that, Toastmasters does more than help improve public speaking. That’s why I think every business leader should consider starting a Toastmasters club at their business.
5 Reasons To Consider Starting A Toastmasters Club At Your Business
1. Toastmasters improves public speaking ability:
I’ll start with a simple reason why you should have a Toastmasters club at your business. Toastmasters will help your employees become better public speakers. This helps not only when your employees have to give presentations. It helps them in their day-to-day communications.
2. Toastmasters is more than public speaking:
Long ago, Toastmasters was focused on the art of public speaking. Now, Toastmasters goes beyond the realm of public speaking. In a Toastmasters club, members learn how to run meetings, give critical feedback, and more. The level of growth your team will experience will shock you as they grow in their ability to speak well, they will also grow in their ability to lead.
3. Toastmasters increases the confidence of your employees:
Getting up in front of a crowd is scary. But, what happens when you’ve approached a crowd multiple times? The fear of being in front of people begins to wane. The members of Toastmasters consistently gain confidence as they attend each meeting. They learn that there’s not much to fear when speaking in front of a crowd. This increases their confidence and helps them get over their fears!
4. Toastmasters builds relationships:
Giving feedback, giving speeches, and growing with other Toastmasters help you to build relationships. Relationships that may have been strained before a Toastmasters meeting can be mended through the feedback process. It is amazing what Toastmasters can do for relationships.
5. Toastmasters opens up new opportunities:
Probably the best thing about Toastmasters is the way it opens up doors to new opportunities. As you grow in your confidence, as you grow in your ability to speak publicly, and as you grow in your relationships, new opportunities begin to open up. You’re able to share your business experience with other businesses. These times of sharing will connect your employees with new potential customers.
As you can see, Toastmasters is more than just a club that teaches public speaking. Toastmasters allows members to grow professionally and personally while in a safe environment.
I don’t believe there is a better initiative to start in your organization than a new Toastmasters club. If you’d like to know more about starting a Toastmasters club at your business, you can find more information here.
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