25 Simple Pleasures For Leaders

As I started a recent Friday, I began to think about the simple pleasures in life. These are the things that are so easy to overlook that we take them for granted.

My typical Friday has looked something like this:

  • An early morning chat with a band of brothers
  • A quick trip to Aldea, a local coffee shop, with my dog
  • A drive down to the beaches of Lake Michigan
  • A quick read-through of a few comic books
  • A nap on the couch
  • A movie
A latte and coffee with cookies on a table by a tree. Simple pleasures in life!

Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

There’s more to my Friday’s but I was reminded of the importance of these little pleasures in life. They bring me great joy and contentment.

As leaders, we need these simple pleasures in our lives. We cannot live a life devoid of simple pleasures.

Marketing Methods You Should Know About

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Marketing is an important aspect of any business. Whether you are trying to sell a product or service, marketing should be part of your strategy. There are many different types of marketing strategies available for use today. Some people assume that the only way to market their company is through advertising, but there are other ways as well. This blog post will discuss seven different types of marketing methods and the benefits each method provides!

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings

A Reel Leadership Article

What happens when you combine Chow Yun Fat’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with the Marvel Cinematic Universe? I believe you get the latest Marvel movie, Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings.

Shang-Chi was an exciting Marvel adventure. It brought so much fun, energy, and excitement back to what many consider was a starting-to-flail universe. While Marvel movies have always been top-notch quality, many people were concerned for future movies. Could Marvel keep up the quality movies?

Simu Liu in Shang-Chi movie

Shang-Chi proved the answer was a resounding yes. It is set to smash Labor Day weekend records.

I have to agree. The movie will continue to do well long after its release. Shang-Chi will be a crucial part of the next phase of Marvel movies. We will see more of Shang-Chi. My guess is in the next Avengers movie.

Leading From The Middle

Leading can be a disorientating experience, especially if you’re new to leadership. You start out believing you’re the boss and you get to make all of the decisions.

You’re quickly smacked back down to reality when you realize this is generally not the case.

Photo by Rog Shafi on Unsplash

Rarely will you be the head honcho. The lead dog. The man completely in charge.

Organizations are just not set up that way.

Rather, organizations are structures of leadership. You have ascending layers of people in charge.

This is why leaders need to begin thinking about leading from the middle.

Leading From The Middle

Leading from the middle can be challenging. You don’t know if you’re doing it right. You also feel like you could step on the toes of those above you. Or you may feel as if you’re stepping on those below you.

Establishing Thought Leadership With Your Brand

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

What is thought leadership?

According to Marketing Insider Group, thought leadership is a type of content marketing where you tap into the talent, experience, and passion inside your business, or from your community, to consistently answer the biggest questions on the minds of your target audience on a particular topic.’

Thought leadership is about making a name for yourself in your industry. It means that you become a trusted source of info and an authoritative figure. The idea is to establish yourself as one of the key voices in your sector. To achieve thought leadership with your brand, focus on these five areas.

  1. Educational blogs