The 5-Step Process To Bravery With Adam Kirk Smith

The Answers From Leadership Podcast #39

I was introduced to Adam Kirk Smith by my friend Leo Lampinen a year or two ago. Adam’s created a massive following through his blog and social media accounts.

He also knows a thing or two about leadership. He’s a life coach and consultant where he helps leaders impact more people, create more margin, and accomplish more

When I heard Adam was releasing a new book, The Bravest You, I wanted to have him on the show. Thankfully, he agreed and now you get to benefit from our conversation.

Listen in as Adam Kirk Smith and I discuss bravery, how bravery impacts leadership, and The Bravest You.

Adam Kirk Smith on the 5-step process to bravery on Answers From Leadership podcast

10 Leaders You Need To Follow Today

Great leaders are also great followers. They seek mentors who will spur them along in their leadership.

These follower leaders also know they need to continue to learn and grow. That’s why the follow other leaders.

Today, I want to take a look at 10 leaders every leader needs to follow.

10 Leaders You Need To Follow Today

  1. Phil Cooke

    I’ve been reading Phil’s blog for as long as I can remember. His articles spur the reader to embrace change.

  2. Jenni Catron

    Jenni is an amazing speaker and author. She’s also a former podcast guest on Answers From Leadership.

    If you need help putting feet to vision, Jenni is the leadership coach for you.

  3. Skip Prichard

    Much like Phil, I’ve been following Skip for quite some time. His insights into the world of leadership constantly challenge me to improve and grow.

Develop The Talents Of Your Team

So, you’ve assembled an amazing team of go-getters. They’ve been rocking sales and bringing in new leads.

Then you hit a road block.

The awesome team you’ve assembled has stopped growing. And, in doing so, they’re no longer the rock stars you know they are.

The development of your team is important

It’s in this moment you realize you’ve failed to do something crucial to the success of any team. You’ve failed to develop the talent of your team.

Instead, they’ve been left stagnant. You haven’t put forth any effort to encourage them to grow.

Let’s do something about this leadership mistake today.

Develop The Talents Of Your Team

Yes, your team has to be interested in developing themselves. You can’t force them to continue to grow themselves and develop their talents. What you can do is encourage the growth.

Doing so will kick start their growth mindset and get them back on track.

The Answers From Leadership Podcast Setup

The Best Podcasting Gear

The last year and a half have been a blast recording the Answers From Leadership podcasts. I have had the opportunity to interview amazing leaders such as Jenni Catron and Michael Bungay-Stainer.

The wisdom these leaders have dropped has been amazing.

However, in the process, I realized I haven’t shared my podcasting setup with you. I’m changing this today.

The best gear for podcasting the answers from leadership podcast

I only realized I hadn’t shown my podcasting setup because I’ve had multiple requests from listeners on what my podcasting setup includes. Let’s take a look.

Answers From Leadership Podcast Setup

What equipment do I use to record my podcasts?

My main setup includes 4 pieces of podcasting equipment. The first is my early 2015 Apple MacBook Pro MF839LL/A with Retina display. This does the heavy lifting of recording the audio for the podcasts during Skype calls.

MacBook Pro used for podcasting

12 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Alien: Covenant

A Reel Leadership Article

Alien: Covenant is a sequel to the 2012 Prometheus and a prequel to the 1979 Ridley Scott Alien film series. Seeing the backstory of the Alien series brought to life was intriguing. I knew where the movie was headed but couldn’t quite wrap my mind around it.

Set in 2104, we see the spaceship USCSS Covenant headed for a distant planet when something goes terribly wrong. Covenant is transporting thousands of people from earth to a new plant. The ship is hit by a neutrino burst which kills some of the colonists and the captain of the ship.

Leadership lessons and quotes from Alien: Covenant

From there, carnage breaks loose. There’s non-stop action until the final scene. And it was well worth the viewing.

Not only that, I was able to discover these amazing leadership lessons from Alien: Covenant.


Caution: Alien: Covenant spoilers ahead