The Importance Of Renewing Your Mind As A Leader

Bible scripture tells us an important truth. We need to renew our minds.

But does this truth apply to leadership along with the layperson? I believe so.

The renewing of our minds does a great work within us. It helps us to become a better leader.

Why We Need To Renew Our Minds

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2

Scripture tells us that the renewing of our minds is so that we can test and approve that which is of God. This, to me, means that the renewing of our minds helps us to know what is truth and what isn’t.

A perfect starting point for why this is so important to leaders.

10 Mistakes Leaders Make

Before you began leading, you were led by someone. That someone made some mistakes. You know it. I know it.

And if you look at your leadership, you know you’ve made some mistakes along the way as well.

Mistakes are a facet of life. We all make mistakes and we all learn to move on from those mistakes.

However, if we can be warned of common mistakes we might make in advance, it’s wise to look over them and prepare yourself in case these mistakes pop up in your life or leadership.

1. Leaders make the mistake of failing to prepare: Any good leader knows that leadership takes preparation. When we fail to prepare, we prepare to fail.

I’ve personally failed in preparing for a presentation. It wasn’t pretty and filled with lots of errors. The message wasn’t conveyed and I looked like a fool.

Secrets To Becoming More Constistent

There are areas of my life that I’m very consistent in.

I was consistent in being their for our youth group students. I’m consistent in showing up to work. I’m consistent in my writing.

But there are areas in my life where I wish I was more consistent. I know you wish you could be more consistent in certain areas of your life as well.

That’s why I’m excited to share with you the secrets I’ve discovered on how to become more consistent.

Why Consistency Matters

There’s many reasons why consistency is an important trait to practice, especially in leadership.

People need to know that you’re going to do what you say. People want to be able to count on you. People are longing for someone who shows up.

Not only that, consistency can breed good habits for a lifetime.

Top Posts And Commenters For February 2015

The month of February is in the history books. For me, it was a busy month.

Multiple trips to the city of Florence, Alabama and a weekend of ice climbing made it seem like I blinked and the month was over.

I hope you experienced some newness and adventure in your life this month.

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With that said, I like to start off the new month reviewing the previous month and seeing what happened with the blog.

February was a great month for blogging. I saw some amazing things fall into place, had a record month, and made some extraordinary new friends.

Top Posts

1. 16 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Big Hero 6

2. 20 Encouraging Bible Verses For Young Leaders

3. 4 Frustrating Realities Of Leadership

4. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Unbroken

5. 25 Leadership Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr.

Creating the Life You Always Wanted

After 13 years of military service I am very accustomed to “making it happen”.  Often my superiors would communicate their vision and empower me to “make it happen”.

As part of the process I would backwards plan based upon the deadline I was given.  I created milestones, functional tasks, assembled the team, and acquired the necessary resources.

create your life

As I have continued my education, personal and professional development, and matured I realized I was missing something.  I was very much able to create any outcome (within reason) my employer desired.  However, I had not applied those same principles and created the life I wanted to live.

Creating the life we want to live is no different than creating the business you dreamed of or developing the vision of your employer.  Here are four tips to creating the life you always dreamed of.