Slow Down. You’re Missing Life

We all know being busy isn’t the same as being productive. It’s a lie that’s damaged many great leaders.

There’s another lie many leaders face. It’s the lie that they don’t have enough time to spend with those that matter the most.

That’s a lie from the pit of hell, if you ask me.

We need to be willing to slow down. We’re missing life when we’re going here, there, and everywhere while ignoring the most important parts of life.

Over the past couple of months I’ve realized that my life has been on autopilot going a million miles an hour in directions that I’m not controlling. It’s left me feeling dazed and confused.

Life happened and it’s gotten the best of me.

When Natural Leadership Isn’t

“He’s a born leader.”

That description sounds great—until someone tries to dump the title on your own shoulders.

Leader? Who me?

Recently our small bible study group diverged from reading God’s Book and read The Servant Leader, by The One-Minute Manager author, Ken Blanchard and colleague Phil Hodges. In short, they set out to explore how the greatest leader in history—Jesus—led as a humble servant to others.

It was a mind twist to think that a great leader’s role is to be a servant to others. Did you get that? A servant; humbling ourselves to people who are above us in authority, but also to our colleagues as well as people we have authority over.

We lead by example. And the greatest example of the greatest leader, was Jesus, who came to serve.

Why You Must Have Leaders At Every Level

Leadership is not a solitary endeavor. Instead, it’s about creating an organization that builds upon the strengths of the team.

And at every level of your organization there are those team members who can be of greater value than you realize. You just have to be willing to pass them a bit of the power.

Then you might see amazing results flow from the team.

There’s a power that flows within teams that realize leadership must not only come from the top down but from the bottom up. It’s getting your team to grasp the importance of what is placed before them and taking ownership of getting the job done.

But most will be unwilling to do this without your blessing. They may be fearful there will be repercussions for taking a chance that you might not have approved.

Take The Steps To Become A Better You

There’s not a person out there who doesn’t want to improve their lives. It’s engrained in us. We want to be the best that we can be.

So why do so few of us actually take the needed steps to improve our lives?

Do amazing things

Image by Rama V.

Much like anything else in life, I think the answer is we over complicate what really needs to be done to be better.

We formulate grand schemes. We layout everything at once. We look at the big picture.

And then we get hit with the overwhelm.

Taking a look at the overall plan, we see no way to better ourselves. We become paralyzed with analysis paralysis.

Just like our answers should be simple, we can break down a better you through baby steps. Eventually, the baby steps will snowball into breakthrough.

7 Ways To Be A Leader In Business

Leadership is a funny thing. We all want to be leaders, and yet so few of us ever achieve that role to any effectiveness. However, the truth is that, while some people are born natural leaders, anyone can develop leadership qualities.

In the business realm, where efficiency and cooperation can mean the difference between success and failure, leadership is especially important. Whether you are an employee or in an official leadership role as a manager, these 7 tips can help you become a more effective leader and role model in your business.

 1. Share Your Vision

Perhaps one of the main things that sets apart good leaders from great leaders is their vision. A great leader doesn’t just tell people what to do, he or she has a vision for the future and helps others catch that vision. Your vision can be anything from creating a more positive work environment, to doubling profits. Large or small scale, no matter what your vision is, having a vision and then sharing it with your coworkers is key to leading others in business.