4 Ways You Can Create A Leadership Presence

Have you ever met someone who’s physical presence is a little underwhelming? Their demeanor says they don’t matter and their handshake leaves something to be desired?

This reinforces the notions it’s not what you know that really matters. There’s more to leadership than our knowledge. Our presence in leadership matters just as much, if not more.

Image by Sip Khoon

Image by Sip Khoon

Think back to the man you’ve met who left you underwhelmed. Why did you feel this way about this specific person?

I can think of a few reasons:

Their lack of confidence showed in their body language.

We read people by the way they carry themselves.

A lack of energy can often be felt by the other party.

These are but a few reasons you may feel underwhelmed by the presence of another person. As a leader, you need to be aware of the way you’re carrying yourself. Your body language can speak much louder than the words you speak.

Competent, Confident, And Agile

Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.
–Vince Lombardi

Human contortionist in a glass box

How Are They Made?

If leaders are made by hard effort, as Coach Lombardi points out, then I need to know how. What traits should we strive to intentionally develop within our future leaders?

I thought about this question long and hard. I wondered if I could even “boil it down” to a list that did not infinitely consume binary one and zeros within Microsoft Word. I felt challenged by the opportunity to succinctly and coherently define the traits common to all leaders.

Finally, (as if someone turned on a light bulb within my brain) three words came to mind:

  • Competent
  • Confident
  • Agile

Top Posts And Commenters For July 2013

Thank God July is finally done. Normally, it’s a great month but it’s been a struggle to get through.

We’ve been dealing with the death of our dog and family/friends health issues. July has been a rough month.

However, we’re moving into a new month and that means new beginnings are available. Are you with me on that?

It also means it’s time for the monthly recap. Let’s see what June held for the blog.

Fun jumble of words used during July

Image via Wordle.net

Top Posts

1. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery: I’m glad to see this holding in the top posts section. Modern day slavery is a real issue and we need to be aware of this fact.

2. The Toughest Decision I’ve Had To Make: This is the blog post I never wanted to write. I still get choked up thinking about putting our dog down. He was a great dog and there will always be an empty spot in our hearts.