Next up at Leadercast is Commander Rorke T. Denver. Denver has run every phase of training for the U.S. Navy SEALs and led special-forces missions in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and other international hot spots. He starred in the hit film Act of Valor, which is based on true SEAL adventures. His NY Times Bestseller takes you inside his personal story and the fascinating, demanding SEAL training program he oversaw.
We often think about leadership as a spear or a sword. The attack and going after the mission.
Leaders forget about the shield. The shield is for protection. To care for those we’re leading.
Don’t forget your shield!
3 Trident Takeaways –
Win the gunfight first: You have to win the gunfight. If you don’t win the fight, no one is going home.
What is the gunfight for you as a leader?
Play without a safety net: We’ve created a world where we avoid pain and mistakes. It’s made us soft.
Get rid of the safety net.
90% of the time be predictable, 10% of the time throw curveballs: Our teams need consistency and predictability. They also need a few curveballs thrown at them once in awhile.
Hard Work
You may not be the most talented person in the room. You can control how hard you work in that room.
Work hard enough and you can be the hardest worker. That is your choice.
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