How To Transform Your Life

Everyone wants to live a life worth living. So few people actually feel like they accomplished this goal.

They, instead, live a life of mediocrity. They punch the time clock and go about their daily activities. By the end of the day, they no longer have the energy to make something out of their lives.

Change your life with these tips

Photo by Bruno Van Der Kraan

Have you been there? Do you ever feel this way?

I have… Even recently.

We all have these feelings of inferiority or our lives don’t matter. These are mental battles we have to fight on a daily basis. The battles telling us we don’t matter and we’re wasting our lives.

Fight The Battle

You’ve got to pick up your weapons if you want to win the battle of your mind. If you truly want to transform your life.

The Areas A Leader Must Balance

The Work-Life Balance Series

When you think of balancing your life, what do you think of? You probably think of balancing work and family.

These two areas are the first things people think of when they think of balancing life. And for good reason. Family and work are the two most important areas in most leaders lives.

What are the areas you must balance in life?

Image by Nathan Dumlao

But balancing your life goes beyond balancing your work and your family. There are many areas leaders forget to balance.

The Areas A Leader Must Balance

1. Work:

This one is a given. Work often takes up 40 hours or more of our lives. This means a quarter of our life is spent working in the office or building our brands.

The Tightrope Walk Of Work-Life Balance

The Work-Life Balance Series

Everyone wants more time to spend with their wife, their children, or their friends. Work seems to get in the way of this quite often. Even more so, work tends to consume other parts of our lives.

work and life are like a tightrope walk

Many people have their work-life balance out of whack. It’s one of the easiest things to do. Whether this is due to issues at home (an angry wife) or challenges at work, we tend to mess up one or the other.

The Tightrope Walk Of Work-Life Balance

For years, the work-life balance looked like:

  • Office hours of 9-5
  • No outside communication after office hours
  • Paid vacation with little to no interruptions

Things have changed. The advent of the cell phone has made separating your home life from your work life incredibly difficult.