Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Tomb Raider

A Reel Leadership Article

Previously, Angelina Jolie brought the video game Tomb Raider to the big screen. Now Alicia Vikander takes over the moniker of Lara Croft and is the lead actress in the newest Tomb Raider movie.

ALICIA Vikander as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider leadership lessons

Tomb Raider tells the story of Lara Croft. Lara is the daughter of missing adventurer Lord Richard Croft (Dominic West). She starts her adventure after she signs the papers declaring her father dead, though his body has never been found. After signing the papers, clues lead her on a journey she never imagined she’d go on.

During Lara’s adventure, you’ll laugh and gasp. You’ll also find leadership lessons in Tomb Raider and Lara’s adventures.

Caution: Tomb Raider spoilers below

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Tomb Raider

1. Terry The Trainer:

Gotta make decisions Lara. Gotta make something happen.

Everyone Has Value

Have you ever played a game of chess? It’s a game of strategy. It’s also a game of value.

Don't discount the value of your team

Each chess piece has value. Each piece has its purpose.

From the Pawn to the King, there’s value to be had.

Everyone Has Value

Much like chess, every member of your team has value.

From the janitor to the salesman to the CEO. Each person brings a unique skill to the table.

Take the janitor for example. He takes pride in keeping the shop floor clean and safe. He also takes out the trash in the office area and makes sure any messes are cleaned up.

This can add tremendous value that we don’t see.

The clean shop floor provides for safe transport of materials. Team members will feel better because there’s a sense of calm with an uncluttered floor.

Start Small, Lead Big

The leadership journey begins differently for every leader. Some are chosen. Others choose themselves.

One way or another, you’ve begun to lead. And that’s fantastic! We need more people willing to step up and lead.

An issue many young leaders face is the temptation to start big and lead big. Feelings of inadequacy arise once they realize their tribe isn’t as big as they’d hope.

I’ve been in this situation before. There’s been times when our youth group was frustratingly small. Subscribers to my blog grew stagnant and growth wasn’t happening.

Truth is, I was frustrated.

Why I Was Frustrated

My problem, along with many other young leaders, was I had a grand vision and expected it right now. Kind of like the Burger King slogan: Your Way, Right Away.

Move To The Next Level Of Leadership

Are you ready to move to the next level of leadership? Obtain that next level of responsibility or to guide more people?

You might not like what it’ll take to get there. To step up to the next level of leadership.

Marshall Lawrence playing Les Paul guitar

Image by Hugh Lee

This journey won’t be easy. It definitely won’t be comfortable. However, it’s necessary. It’s worth it. And you’ll see growth.

The Comfort Zone

We all have comfort zones. Areas where we are competent and confident. Our skills can be displayed but they’re not really tested.

I remember trying to learn to play the electric guitar. There were weeks of lessons. Some practice. Lots of frustration.

Over time, I began to fall back on the song Glycerin by Bush. It was the first song I’d learned. The chords were simple. The melody easy to remember.

Glycerin became my comfort zone when playing the guitar.

How To Become The Best Worst Boss Ever!

Have you watched the TV show The Office?

The show revolved around Michael Scott played by Steve Carell. He was the manager at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.

If there were awards for the best worst boss, he would win it.

Steve Carell Coffe Mug

Image by Sean Buchan

Michael’s leadership skills left something to be desired.

Whether he was trying to make a joke or correct a team member, something always came out inappropriately.

Michael is a great character to study if you want to become the best worst boss ever.

  • Distract Others: Michael Scott was well known for distracting others.
    Distracting others can be an easy thing to do. I’m sure you won’t have to think hard at all.

    Create new office games. Have parties all the time. Interrupt your team while they are working.

    This will help you claim the title!